What Should the First-time Electors Mind While Casting Their Votes?

First Time Voting
  • As you are aware, the first phase of the mother of all elections – the Lok Sabha polls – is just a few days away. The entire country is in the grip of the parliamentary election fever since the political parties are busy crisscrossing the huge swathe of land to impress upon the electorate to choose their respective candidates. Not for nothing the Indian elections are called the Dance of Democracy for the vividity, diversity, divergence, and colorful narration while the campaigning is on. That is a great spectacle. Of course, the nation has come a long way from the erstwhile conventional campaigning style when the candidates used to undertake door-to-door visits to seek the electorate’s blessings. We are in the information technology-driven world now, you see.



  • As such, the entire universe has undergone tremendous changes by embracing cutting-edge information technology-driven applications and solutions. When every other economic vertical has adapted to the fast-changing scenario, the political class has shown keen interest in not only embracing the ever-evolving solutions but also targeting the new generation of freshly minted voters as well. We are aware of how effectively social media platforms and handles can be harnessed to reach out to a wider audience. Moreover, with the advent of Artificial Intelligence as an effective tool to regenerate several things/personalities/events of the past, the campaigning narrative too has undergone unbelievable alterations in line with emerging technologies.
  • Mind you, one of the most neglected segments of the electorate is the first-time voters who would be joining the bandwagon to exercise their franchise. India is a country blessed with young demographics that are crying to be effectively harnessed by the political class. This is where the seasoned political leadership would leave no stone unturned in not only impressing Gen Z with their plans but also ensuring whatever promises made in the manifesto targeting them would be fulfilled if chosen to govern. Yes, many of us would be cagey and cynical to note how the political class goes about promises and assurances during the election campaign and tends to relegate it to the backburner no sooner assuming office once elected. But that’s part of the deal, you see.

Voters 1st time

PC: Hindustan Times

  • It is interesting to observe how the new electors would go about making an informed decision to cast their votes. What should be the parameters guiding these awe-struck youngsters suddenly propelled to the exalted position of makers or breakers in choosing their elected representative? The realization that Gen Z will be at the forefront of choosing leaders who are expected to take forward the country in the path of growth itself would be an overwhelming feeling. It also means greater responsibilities where their future is at stake since the policymakers are the ones deciding how the nation marches ahead. Unmistakably, smart are these youngsters knowing what will be good for them. Hence, expect these newbies to make a wise choice in the ensuing polls.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.