What Drives the Achievers to Realise Insurmountable Challenges?

  • Since times immemorial, history is replete with numerous examples highlighting humankind’s inherent urge to establish supremacy not only amongst fellow human-beings but also across the boundaries stretching far and wide. Greatest of conquistadors, emperors, fighters, kings, and supreme leaders have undertaken grueling journeys spreading across continents in their quest to assert prowess and to leave behind a mark for posterity. It makes for fascinating reading to dig deeper into the history books to understand what drove those seekers to undertake such mammoth and arduous expeditions crisscrossing continents.

PC: weapons and warfare

  • In hindsight, what prodded these supremely gifted and enormously endowed brave-men traverse long distances conquering not only humongous challenges met on the way in terms of ensuring a steady supply of men and resources backing on mostly primitive combative game plan during those times, but also keeping the highly courageous fighting force together without allowing demotivation to set in deflating the morale to march ahead relentlessly. Boils down to incredible leadership abilities as also an unambiguous thirst for achieving the unachievable, I guess.
  • Digging further deep into the historical achievements of exceptionally skillful and combative leaders pointedly refers to the unthinkable bravado of men who commanded from the front irrespective of challenges encountered by brutally brushing aside foes and continuing to march ahead fully aware of the destination envisaged. Their single-minded focus and determination to achieve the seemingly improbable are bound to evoke admiration and wonder as to how they could achieve what was achieved eventually with limited resources available at their disposal.

PC: vbu

  • As a mark of acknowledgment and respect, those brave men who emerged successful in their endeavors on a sustained basis are revered to this day having secured a permanent rightful place in the annals of history. Nobody remembers underachievers or those having failed to leave behind a defining mark evoking fond recollections. Emulation always precedes awesome or inspiring accomplishments worthy of appreciation. Make no mistake, setting standards to that extent demands huge sacrifices over a long duration that cannot be achieved by wishful thinking.
  • Ever pondered how everything fell in place for scores of reverential figures having left behind mountains of indelible impressions in scaling insurmountable mountains of trials and tribulations? Is the Mother Nature prejudiced in bestowing with special prowess and wherewithal on select few who are destined to leave behind their legacies or is it simply the fact that some are preordained to emerge successful who never understand what it means to give up or accept temporary setbacks but remain committed to realizing dreams? No easy or ready answers either.


  • Ultimately, one factor remains unchanged through ages and that is perseverance, persistence, and consistency exhibited by every single admirable figure over millenniums in going about accomplishing their stated objectives. This phenomenon hasn’t changed to this day setting a truly benevolent precedent where none can question but follow with true intention. The determined lot will succeed and those doubtful of succeeding will falter blaming everything else but themselves cursing the so-called luck and destiny. Perseverance is the key

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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