• Global warming and its catastrophic consequences are not only well documented, reported, disseminated, and debated but also have led to the global community waking up to address the matter with renewed intent. Some of the big contributors to burning huge amounts of greenhouse gases are the most developed/advanced nations with the USA right in the front. The fossil fuel burnings of the developed nations have been enormous over the decades leading to the present precipitous situation when the whole universe is grappling with the rise in temperatures leading to cascading/disturbing effects on the regular weather patterns. Greenhouse gas emissions have reached alarming proportions in the last two decades causing concern everywhere.

Effects Of Car Pollutants On The Environment | Sciencing


  • Of course, several aspirational societies would wish to ensure their citizens are not deprived of modern amenities keeping in line with the growing advancements all around. The improved mobility has led to revolutionary advancements in the field of automobiles and commensurate amenities befitting the modern world counterintuitively denote excessive emphasis on burning fossil fuels leading to extreme weather vagaries. What once used to be regular weather patterns have become distant memories with unseasonal rains, snowstorms, droughts, famine, heat waves, and some such activities occurring with alarming regularity. The hitherto unheard-of El Nino and La Nina climate patterns have become the most talked about topics by the global community.

How Does Car Manufacturing Affect The Environment

PC: Mean Metal Motors

  • How does India as a country fare when the erratic weather patterns affect the still largely agrarian society heavily dependent on monsoon rains to sustain self-sufficiency? Agriculture is the lifeline of India and this aspect hasn’t changed much despite the services, manufacturing, and other equally important economic sectors driven by the perpetually evolving cutting-edge technologies that have undergone incredible alterations over the last few decades. Understandably, the Indian leadership across the spectrum waits with bated breath to know the weather forecast for the ensuing monsoon season well in advance. Any rainfall deficit means the country is staring at challenging times whose repercussions are felt cutting across crucial sectors.

How Bengaluru's tree-lovers are leading an environmental restoration movement | World Economic Forum

PC:The World Economic Forum

  • In the same vein, excess and unseasonal rainfall also leads to unmitigated challenges across the country leading to heavy losses before the produce is harvested. The rising heat across the country is also a grave concern when seemingly moderate temperatures witnessed in a region like Bengaluru suddenly see the mercury touching alarming levels. Ask any Bengalureans about the weather that once used to be so pleasant, salubrious, and welcoming. People opting to install air conditioners is a definite indicator of how the weather patterns have altered so alarmingly in the last couple of decades everywhere. Of course, green initiatives are receiving tremendous thrust from the Indian leadership, but will it help global warming subside significantly? Not at all.