The Year 2020 Will be Remembered Forever!

  • As is the norm, the present-day humankind is quite fond of welcoming the new year with pomp and gaiety even though certain countries celebrate ushering of the same at a different period. The feel-good factor each one of us experiences while welcoming the new year through unbridled celebrations and revelry is worth repeating. None would dispute the optimistic outlook embraced whilst fervently wishing happier days ahead. Last year, those countries following the widely prevalent Gregorian calendar would have hoped and wished that year 2020 would herald better tidings and bless humanity with pleasant surprises with a monumental amount of positivity.

PC: DShalom

  • As usual, resolutions announced, promises made, assurances granted, and passionate utterances about leading an altered life in line with the accepted standards are countless that were pronounced diligently. Who knew what is in store when the year 2020 kicked-in as unfolding things in few weeks into the new year shattered many a dream and promises in no time with the advent of the feared novel coronavirus? The dreadful news of the virulent virus spreading like a wildfire across the universe rendering millions of people in a debilitating state shattered humankind like never before severely denting the prospects of all concerned.
  • Economically self-defeating lockdowns shut scores of countries completely rudderless in the face of stalled activities. Distressing scenes of people on ventilators, losing lives, livelihood, and frightful uncertainty staring without any clue on the ensuing days left millions ruined/shattered. Trust me, it will take no less than half-a-decade, if not more, to fully recover or revert to pre-pandemic days overcoming the gloomy circumstances surrounding all around. Apart from physical bruises, tremendous mental agony would have to be contended with. Where everything appeared positively poised to take-off, gave way to unfathomable hardships that continue to this day.

PC: Knowlab

  • Nobody was left untouched in its wake as the virus-induced mayhem continues unabated even now with many country’s including us in India finding it extremely cumbersome to pull through the mounting challenges encountered all along our quest to recoup. The moment lockdown was enforced, ominous expectations were a given fact, and the unpleasant happenings unfolding only exacerbated the sufferings of people in varying degrees. While people are gathering their scattered bearings to recommence lives and livelihoods with dignity, comes the news about a new variant making inroads which are touted to be more transmissible.
  • We all were wondering whether the ensuing new year 2021 would be more welcoming in terms of picking up scattered pieces to resume normal living. However, except for the most comforting information about the effective invention of vaccines that are around the corner to make an appearance, the forecast otherwise appears as gloomy as ever. Threat perceptions about the tenacity and destructive abilities of the virus continue unabated and as such, will remain unaltered in the ensuing new year too, at least for major portions.

PC: illustoon

  • Till we develop herd immunity alongside receiving life-saving vaccination, there is no escaping from strict adherence to safety and health protocols. Therefore, never let go of WMD – no I am not referring to Weapons of Mass Destruction – Wash, Mask, and Distance protocol which will be our mantra in the new year too. Happy New Year!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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