• The Indian citizens born in the 1970s and 80s would be familiar with the then-prevailing exhortations from the government authorities about birth control measures to be adopted simply because of the burgeoning population figures in the country. Remember, when the country attained independence from the British, the onus of building the nation from scratch was on each citizen aided by the able guidance of the enthusiastic leaders. Since the country struggled to emerge as self-sufficient in several areas including food security, the authorities decided that to ensure the availability of resources to be shared amongst all equitably, it is well advised to exhort the citizens to observe birth control measures to augment the limited availability of supplies.

India's population has overtaken China, but historic problems continue to plague the nation - BusinessToday - Issue Date: May 28, 2023

PC: Business Today

  • Of course, India as a country with such diversity, plurality, and heterogeneity spread along the large swathe of the landscape was always considered to be blessed with demographic dividends. Nonetheless, the nation-building capabilities were put to greater test during the nascent years when the growing population wasn’t suitably provided with opportunities to lead a dignified existence. The Grand Old Party which was at the helm of affairs during the nation-building times prioritized birth control measures as one of the means to ensure the availability of resources to all even as the country progressed along due to efforts from different quarters. Back then, the birth control measures were a par for the course move. Not anymore though.

India's population estimated at 144 crore, overtakes china: UNFPA report – India TV

PC: India Tv News

  • As things started looking better with the advent of the steady progress made in the last few decades, the declining birth rates have started making the government authorities reconsider the two-child norms introduced a few decades back. Note that India stands as the fifth largest economy in the world now and is set to be counted among the top three in the next few years. The economic growth witnessed in the last decade or so must warm the cockles of all concerned including the government thinktank. The demographic dividend in the form of hundreds of millions of young generations now and in the next few years would provide a great fillip for the country to grow at a faster clip. However, aging too would eventually catch up, and then what?

UNFPA: India's Population is 144 Cr, with 24% 0-14 age

PC: Utkarsh Classes

  • Thus, it comes as no surprise that several political leaders have started making fresh exhortations for the Indian citizens to produce more children rather than stick with one or two as is the norm over the last few decades. Notably, China has long vacated the moniker of being the most populous nation in the world with India overtaking the neighboring country in the last couple of years. Chinese leadership too are offering incentives to the married couple to produce more progenies. It won’t be surprising if Indian authorities undertake similar measures to encourage married couples to produce more progenies to arrest the falling birth rates. Will the married couple accede to such exhortations? The time alone will reveal.