The Poor Beg Outside and the Rich Beg Inside!

  • As has been consistently mentioned in previous columns, our country never fails to fascinate or invoke profound introspection amongst ourselves looking at the way life pans out in our daily existence. Paradox reigns supreme in every walk of life cutting across society’s hierarchical presence is stating the obvious. A constant fight between the complexities surrounding our ideological preferences on the one hand and practices one chooses to undertake based on the inherent convictions and belief systems on the other hand is a mélange of conflicts requiring meaningful comprehension.

PC: lovelyday12

  • Of course, the beauty of life in all its hues and layers of incongruity will be on display if one wishes to study how our country offers such divergent perspectives seen from the lens of an ordinary person(s). Dissimilarities observed are so diverse and subtle that it demands no less than an appreciative mind as well as uncluttered thought processes to fully grasp the undercurrents to make sense of the happenings. One such notion visible to the keen observers having an eye on the human behavioral patterns would be readily seen in and around temples or for that matter any places of worship irrespective of beliefs/faiths.
  • Have you ever wondered as to why people so strongly soaked in religious fervor and unquestioning belief in the powers of the Almighty lineup for hours together seeking divine intervention by showering with offerings/inducements in place of promises of extending cash or in-kind for future blessings? Some trading, indeed! Notwithstanding the societal parameters viewed from the prism of a neutral observer vis-à-vis societal standings regardless of rich, poor, have, and have-nots, etc., all of them possess one thing in common i.e. diligently lining up in the hallowed precincts of the unknown superpower with nary a concern for the hierarchy usually known to divide the society.

PC: Mary Bergfeld

  • Quite contrastingly, we all remain bystanders watching with trepidation and trying to separate the variations of life at play when scores of destitute positions themselves outside those portals of divinity seeking alms from the patrons visiting such holy places of worship with own agendas. Should make us wonder as to what the palpable difference between two sets of people is indulging in while enacting the same role-play of begging for entirely parochial reasons for the fulfillment of wishes? None whatsoever as methodology adopted by both solely aim at receiving welcome tidings but with a difference as can be easily judged.
  • The beggar stationed outside seeking alms must contend to not only feed himself with the offerings but also to ensure it sustains the lives of dependents he/she may have. Similarly, the one begging inside the places of worship also seeks divine intervention to bestow varying degrees of wishes upon self. Paradoxically, both sets of people are rendered beggars seeking alms of differing nature but begging, nonetheless. Life’s play is so asymmetrical, un-identical, and sometimes so incomprehensible it leaves all of us spellbound, no less! No set parameters to define the way life plays out!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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