• The hustle and bustle of modern-day life is so time-consuming that most of us find it extremely challenging to strike a credible work-life balance in the desired manner. The whole world has evolved revolutionarily in the last few decades leading to what is presently driven by some astounding advancements in several cutting-edge technology fields. Especially, the advent of information-technology-driven innovations has made modern-day life easier to navigate but challenging to stay rooted to the age-old practices. Of course, any pathbreaking invention will be inherently accompanied by merits and demerits. How effectively humankind succeeds in overcoming those challenges makes life more vibrant and interesting.

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  • Most of us are aware of how our elders unequivocally present their case about the modern-day world having changed unrecognizably with the wholesome embracing of technology-driven initiatives by the present generation. The electronic gadgets and digital amenities have completely altered our lifestyle in a way that is not only inexplicable for their sheer presence and ubiquitous presence but also leading to unheard-of ailments courtesy of leading sedentary lives consequently. The moot point to ponder over here is why we still cannot lead time-tested holistic lives despite witnessing earth-shattering advancements in the present world. Indisputably, technology brings a different dimension to our existence. Period.

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  • Will it help humankind stay connected to the roots of what has been an ancient tradition followed since times immemorial? What am I referring to here? Nothing but not getting swayed over by the emerging technological trends thereby losing contact with the traditional practices that have stood the test of time. Inarguably, the natural way of adapting to the fast-changing times is to balance both the traditional as well as modern outlook that is so essential to maintain welcome equilibrium. This is where the wise and the wiser people must step in to guide the young generation who cannot be wronged for feeling they know everything vis-à-vis mind-boggling developments happening at such a fast pace.

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  • Trust me, most parents will know how the present generation of youngsters could become rebellious with the very mention of age-old traditions that have overcome the challenges steadfastly. Thus, the onus squarely rests on the elderly lot to traverse the extra mile to impress upon the youngsters the benefits of embracing the legacy of our ancient traditions alongside the modernity-defined present-day world. The merging of the two would only benefit all concerned, whose consequences could be only good for the overall well-being of society. None would deny that modernity should be embraced wholeheartedly but not at the cost of letting go of well-established traditional norms whose benefits are still unparalleled and unchallenged.