• As every Indian should know, the Indian Constitution came into effect on 26th January 1950 when the country carved a niche by becoming an independent republic after a prolonged fight against the colonial powers. 26th January marks the adoption of our Constitution, reminding us of the vision and sacrifices of our great Constituent Assembly members having such admirable foresight to ensure every citizen of the country is guaranteed Constitutionally mandated rights irrespective of caste, creed, class, religion, language, and ethnicity. Our Constitution guarantees justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity to every citizen of the country too. The Indian independence history is replete with inspirational sacrifices by millions of unknown faces leaving us spellbound even now.

Dr Ambedkar Remembrance Day Speech - Thiru K Ashok Vardhan Shetty, I. A. S. (Rtd) - GLOBAL AMBEDKARITES


  • Little wonder, our democratic form of governance is considered worthy of emulation and has stood the test of challenging times with adroitness. Mind you, India is a country of diversity vis-à-vis languages, traditions, culture, legacy, and heritage spread across a huge swathe of landscapes. What binds the length and breadth of the country is the Constitution upheld by the ever-vigilant custodian Supreme Court with astuteness. It’s a matter of immense pride to witness how the 75-year-old country has progressed since gaining independence with unimaginable developments all around keeping in line with the fast-changing times. If the country is qualified as the fifth largest economy now expected to be in the top three, it signifies an admirable growth trajectory.

Subtle Differences Between Article 226 and Article 227 of the Constitution of India - Das Legal

PC: Das Legal

  • One of the most unique aspects of the country is the apt description – unity in diversity – defining the very nature of our togetherness despite region to region differing in many ways. However, what does not change is the commonality for all of us to stick together via the Constitution. Also, the very mention of 26th January floods our minds with the Republic Day parade on the Kartavya Path showcasing our military, sociocultural, technological, and envisioned developmental agenda. The display of cutting-edge technology-driven initiatives followed by the smartly dressed military and paramilitary personnel marching to the various motivational tunes is bound to evoke unadulterated goosebumps moments. The feeling of pride and joy is inexplicable for many of us.

Unveiling the expanded scope of “State”: When private entities take public roles – Constitutional Law Society

PC:Constitutional Law Society

The day also reminds us to be aware of and express heartfelt gratitude for hard-fought independence and the adoption of the Constitution paving the way for the envisioned growth that we are fortunate to soak in. The present generation should be made to realise the humongous efforts that have gone into making the country what it is presently. The path of growth is perpetual since we cannot rest on our laurels but strive to expend every sinew to reach our full potential. Remember, India has a huge demographic dividend that should be harvested gainfully. A word of caution here, the democratic form of governance offers us certain freedoms that should not be taken for granted despite differences. Let’s join hands to make this country even greater.