The Importance of Physical Activity for Human Beings!

  • As the documented and orally passed on history of the evolution of humankind over the millennium so vividly suggests, physical activity essays an extremely important roleplay in not only keeping the individual body at peak fitness levels but also allowing the mind to stay strong as well. Again, it is universally believed that the sound mind and the body are inter-alia dependent on one another leading to an overall synergy in the way we conduct ourselves. It has been proved time and again how even a small bit of imbalance or lack of synergy between the two leads to challenging situations in our daily existence.

PC: Silvia Jansen

  • No wonder, humanity has accepted with great humility of mother nature’s diktat to lead an uneventful life provided we hear the natural call. Further, laying equal stress on mental as well as physical strength greatly benefits to strike a required balance in carrying out our everyday chores in the desired manner. Of course, humanity also acknowledges the criticality of genes in shaping our lives to a great extent. Hereditary traits passed on from generations are a well-known scientific fact that cannot be discounted either. However, it is up to the individuals to ensure whatever we are blessed with is put to good use by exercising restraint and observing moderation whilst leading a healthy life.
  • Easier said than done though as distractions surrounding us are bound to play a spoilsport in our resolve to stay disciplined. How could this be achieved? We all have heard about the virtues of the adage mind over matter. Indeed, it has been proved beyond doubt that keeping the ever-wandering mind in control takes some practice which can be achieved only through consistency, persistency, grit, determination, and unwavering belief. Once the mind is suitably programmed to push ahead to make the body undergo some form of physical activity, crossing the first hurdle to achieve the necessary transformation to stay physically fit is well and truly underway.

PC: Julia Malacoff

  • As you are aware, anything practiced over some time becomes a habit will be further reinforced when we develop a passion for the same. Make no mistake, when passion drives humankind to pursue anything chosen diligently, there is no stopping from marching ahead. In this age of dynamic exponential growth on the back of technology-driven unbelievable inventions, innovations, progressions, ease of mobility, and achievements, the lack of physical activity leading to lifestyle diseases is a real threat to our longevity. Therefore, any form of physical activity, not less than 40 minutes to 01 hours and at least five days a week, is non-negotiable.
  • The human body is wired to perform varied forms of physical activity even defying gravity many a time. As such, we all must cultivate the welcome habit of performing some form of physical activity to lead a fruitful, peaceful, resourceful, energetic, positive, healthy, and cheerful life. Remember, spend an hour punishing the body and see the transformation. Especially those who are still wanting to indulge in any form of physical exertions but conveniently finding excuses to skip should make up their mind now. Go for it see the fun unravel in front of you!