The Higher Education System Should be Carefully Nurtured! No Messing Around Please!

  • The Indian education sector in the country itself is not up to the mark as compared to some of the most advanced countries is well documented. Especially the higher education system that consistently fares lowly not only in terms of the quality of pedagogy incorporated but also in the all-important ranking system.  As you know, the ranking system provides prospective students detailed information as to where the university stands vis-à-vis quality and standing amongst others.  Parents would look up to these rankings before making an informed decision for their wards.  Of course, universities build branding and marketing strategies around the rankings to draw the attention of the student community to come on board.

PC: Akash

  • So far so good. However, there is always a question mark raised against the modus operandi surrounding the Indian ranking system.  We are used to fathoming those rankings with a pinch of salt and disbelief always.  We Indians are too familiar with the dubious modalities around the ranking systems not only in the education sector but also in other sectors too.  Moving forward, there is no doubt whatsoever when the Indian Institute of Science again topped the Indian entry in this year’s THE World University Rankings.  Likewise, it has topped the Indian government’s NIRF ranking too.  Disconcertingly, a very different story has played out in the NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) scores, with seven private institutes doing better.
  • Look at how a deemed university in Bhubaneswar has been awarded the highest-ever NAAC score. Close on its heels is an engineering college in Bengaluru, which NIRF puts in the 175-200 band.  Another deemed university in Coimbatore has jumped five grades in the five years between two NAAC assessments.  The range of anomalies has academicians across the country shocked.  Given the high stakes here, the education ministry shouldn’t delay an audit to find out where NAAC processes are going wrong or getting gamed.  The systemic goal is to extend this accreditation across all higher education.  Mind you, higher NAAC grades bring rewards like increased autonomy, UGC funds, and foreign collaborations.


  • Not only this, but they also pave the way to start distance education and online courses, with the attraction of the latter having grown exponentially since the pandemic.  Worryingly, a record number of institutes have scored A++ this year.  The moot point to ponder over here is can young Indians rely on this or is this just rampant grade inflation?  Concerns remain.  Unsurprisingly, allegations of corruption, including in the form of regal treatment for visiting teams and agents able to game the assessments are circulating.  Every ranking system has its vulnerabilities, you see.  But ensuring transparency, accountability, and honesty of NAAC scores is an urgent task for the students’ good.  The authorities should look into the matter expeditiously and correct the anomalies with a pragmatic approach.