The Consecration Ceremony of Lord Ram is a Watershed Moment for the Indians!

  • Millions of people across the world were eagerly waiting for the momentous occasion when Lord Ram got his rightful place at Ayodhya’s spanking new temple building after an extended struggle of 500-odd years. Indian history during the last few centuries was replete with struggle, sacrifices, violence, and expectations from the people who were determined to see Lord Ram finally get back his own living space. As you are aware, the Ram Janmabhoomi movement is not only spiritual, emotional, and philosophical for the Indian citizens but also highlights the heritage, faith, belief, and customs associated with the Hindu community over these many years. Lord Ram enjoys an extremely special place in the hearts of the Indians irrespective of ideologies and beliefs.

Business Standard

PC: Business Standard

  • Indeed, generations after generations have yearned for the establishment of the venerable Lord Ram’s abode. The moment came true when Prime Minister Narendra Mod led the consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla at Ayodhya after a long wait. As you recollect, the Supreme Court settled the title dispute in a landmark judgment in 2019 in favor of the majority community after a protracted battle in the courtrooms. Remember, the construction of the Ram temple is one of the three foremost poll promises of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Two poll promises in the form of abrogation of Article 371 and 35(a) and the Ram temple stand fulfilled. The uniform civil code awaits the much-needed push that might come in the years ahead.
  • Nonetheless, as devotees of Lord Ram, millions will be celebrating the closure of something so dear to their hearts when the world recently witnessed the consecration of the deity in all its splendor amid religious fervor. Yes, the BJP-led Union Government deserves credit for ensuring the day eventually arrived when millions of devotees across the world were soaked in religious revelry with emotions running high. Remember, thousands have lost their precious lives fighting for the establishment of the temple. Also, recollect how the BJP came to prominence on the back of the Ram mandir agitation that galvanized the party into the Hindi heartland big-time. There has been no stopping since then as the BJP emerged stronger riding high on the Ram mandir agitation.

Economic Times

PC: Economic Times

  • Obviously, the opposition parties were quick to drub the consecration ceremony as the BJP-RSS event and respectfully declined the invitation. None of the opposition political parties were present during the ceremony that will go down in the country’s history as one of the most remarkable days to be written in gold. The celebrations were not restricted to the country alone but also were celebrated around the world. Many shed tears of happiness rejoicing in witnessing something special that was not possible for over five centuries. Hindus can now proudly have the most important pilgrimage place to call their own with pride. We should seek the blessings of Lord Ram for the country to prosper on all fronts. Jai Shree Ram!