Reports of Not Extending Precautionary Doses to all Should be Reconsidered!

  • By now, it is extremely clear from the available data, research, statistics, and expert opinions of the scientific and medical fraternity that the vaccines have had an impactful role in thwarting the novel coronavirus from annihilating humanity. The timely invention of vaccines has been no less than a Godsend. Several advanced countries have also undertaken to inoculate their citizens with the third dose as a booster to further shield from the menace of the virus. This strategy has largely contributed to restricting the severity of the infection leading to lesser hospitalization, and reduced demand for oxygen, ventilators, and ICU treatments.

PC: DCStudio

  • No wonder, the mortality rate has not witnessed a dramatic surge owing to the latest Omicron variant. In fact, Israel is contemplating going ahead with the fourth dose for its citizens. This being the case it is reported that the Government of India is considering not to extend the precautionary dose program for adults below 60 years following skepticism among its experts on the benefits of boosters. If this happens, India will be an outlier among major countries that have commenced booster shots, including for children. Note that we have not commenced an inoculation drive for children below 15 years yet. This move raises questions.
  • First, what is the evidence to proceed ahead with the move? Any decision must be preceded by the publication of a detailed and extensive study that shows a third homologous dose isn’t boosting protection against severity and hospitalization. Alternatively, rigorous efficacy studies of indigenous Bharat Biotech’s under-trial intranasal vaccine, Covovax or Corbevax as boosters, are immediately needed for informed comprehension. In contrast, evidence from peer-reviewed studies in countries like Israel and the UK indicate that the third dose of vaccine is useful. Reports suggest the UK Health Security Agency’s latest weekly vaccine surveillance report notes that two doses of vaccines offered 64% protection against hospitalization with the Omicron variant in the 2-24 week interval and 44% after 25 weeks.

PC: Freepik

  • But 10 weeks after the third dose, protection from hospitalization was a high 83%. Peer-reviewed Israeli studies also showed those receiving boosters were at 92% lower risk of severe disease compared to those double-dosed. As such, if Union Government decides third doses are not required, similarly credible findings must be made available in the public domain. Second, is the assumption that only 60+ age groups and frontline workers are high-risk categories and therefore can receive boosters entirely accurate? Union Health Secretary had said in April 2021 that 88% of all Covid deaths were in 45+ age groups. And in October 2020, he had said 35% of fatalities were in the 45-60 age group and 53% in 60+.
  • Most importantly, far more Indians in the 45-60 age group travel around for work than those in the 60+ groups. Thus, it is unclear how those in the 45-60 age group can be considered to not be in the high-risk category. Make no mistake, not extending the third dose programme to all adults is a decision of enormous potential implications, especially since the virus continues to circulate. A reconsideration of the same is in order.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.