Presidential Election in the USA is Amusing, to say the Least!

  • It amounts to an understatement to mention that all eyes from every corner of the world are focused on the Presidential election underway in the United States of America, waiting with bated breath to see the eventual outcome. Leading up to the election year has witnessed no less than a monumental volume of acrimonious exchanges between the two septuagenarian politicians representing their respective party’s is again stating the obvious.Interestingly, groundwork related to elections started almost a year back with a complex process eluding easy comprehension for the uninitiated.


  • Now that the voting and counting commencing traditionally on the First Tuesday of November after a four-year term to elect the President, the high drama, hyperbole, and uncertainty surrounding the process of counting have come to the fore. What with the incumbent President initially claiming victory by declaring himself a winner, accusing without any evidence about the fraud being perpetrated by the opponent, emphasizing unequivocally about approaching the courts to stop the counting of votes, etc., all point out to unavoidable looming legal battles ahead.
  • Divisive politics is at a display where the battlegrounds are vertically divided between the liberals and conservationist ideologies hogged the limelight throughout the campaign trail forcefully exhorted to by the boisterous proponents. Extremely vicious and no-holds-barred electioneering witnessed in recent times, no guesses there.  Racist viewpoints, populist pronouncements, brazenly nativist projections, and protectionist measures against more copiously accommodative and all-inclusive policy forecasts without prejudice were at play during the electioneering.

Pc: CTV News

  • Another glaring absurdity is to comprehend the entire process of electing the President seemingly appearing farcical and shambolic as the winner takes all format conveniently discounts the overwhelming popular mandate allowing the electoral victors to choose the next incumbent. Come to think of it, the world’s sole Superpower endowed with an abundance of riches, expected to don the role of global leadership to guide the affairs of the world, just cannot ensure a seamless, smooth, and uncomplicated electoral process to choose the President is nothing short of amusing.
  • Considered as one of the oldest modern democratic countries, continuing to embrace the anachronistic mode of electing the leader certainly defies logic in this age and time where technology-driven reformist measures rule the roost ubiquitously.As the process of counting meanders on, it is bizarre to see the incumbent President casting aspersions on the very process of election by accusing his opponents of stealing the votes.  The entire world is watching the unfolding events as the matter of choosing the victor increasingly appears chaotic.

Pc: Bitcoin News

  • People aware of the geopolitical manifestations would recollect how the Big Brother attitude that used to be the norm in driving the world order not so long ago is ceding ground to invite ridicule and questioning the unabashed quest for one-upmanship. Make no mistake, many world leaders would be inclined, gleefully for sure, to advise Uncle Sam to first set the house in order before venturing out with unsolicited interventions mouthing corrections.  Whosoever eventually occupies the coveted seat of power, the world has already been entertained to a great extent.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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