Positive Signs are Already Visible in the New Year!

  • Looked at any viewpoints and by all accounts, the new year 2021 appears to have started on a positive note having witnessed one of the most horrendous years in 2020 ravaged by the destructive trailblazing distress left by the pandemic. By no stretch of the imagination, the pandemic menace is behind humanity as many European and Western Countries are under the spell of the second/third wave inflicting a humongous loss on the lives, livelihood, and economies of these nations. Fortunately, our country has shaped up decently in controlling the spread of the virus as also limiting the fatality rates owing to concerted efforts from all stakeholders.


  • Though the jury is still out whether the stringent lockdown measures indeed helped in keeping the confirmed infection rates and case fatality rates under control, there is no denying the debilitating effects suffered by the economy and the individuals’ who are yet to find the bearing to revert to pre-pandemic normalcy. Uneven returning allowed to resume economic activities across the country, based on the infection rates, has resulted in a skewed growth trajectory which will be the norm in the near foreseeable future. However, encouraging news about the emergency user approval granted to vaccines has tremendously lifted the mood of the citizens for sure.
  • Also, contributing in adding to the feel-good factor about vaccine invention is the gradual opening allowed for carrying out classroom teaching in respect of schools and colleges has added a certain positivity in the overall scenario indicating reverting to much-coveted normalcy. Reopening of schools is an important signal indicating the transmission of COVID-19 may not have ended, nonetheless, the situation has been brought under control. The nation will be keenly watching the early experiments in reopening classrooms in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Bihar, Odisha, Kerala, and Puducherry. Hopefully, it will catalyze action in other states as well.

PC: Amandeep Shukla

  • Yet another significant indicator to gauge the return to normalcy is the reopening of movie halls. Though the Karnataka Government allowed screening of movies a few months back with 50% seating capacity, footfalls have been far from encouraging as the patrons continue to be apprehensive though necessary Safety and Health Guidelines are in place. Many actors/actresses are visiting movie halls to encourage and influence more and more people to visit for an in-house experience. Note that the services sector has been badly affected by the advent of novel coronavirus bearing the brunt of the economic damage. Will take some more time to recover.
  • Apart from the vaccine and reopening of schools/movie front, the economic indicator for the past two months too has been more than encouraging surpassing the anticipation of the RBI as well as independent economic experts the way the economy has recouped. However, we are nowhere near reaching our potential and will take sustained efforts in the ensuing months to solidly build on the positives emerging from various quarters. Till then, let us not let our guard down by observing all SOPs diligently and indulging in activities helping to revert to normalcy. Stay positive!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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