Political Masters are Setting a Bad Precedent!

  • Leaders are not only expected to lead from the front but also set an admirable example worthy of following and emulation needs no further elaboration. The leaders are always looked up to for not only being inspirational and praiseworthy through their deeds which motivates others to follow suit but also ensures fulsome praises are forthcoming from all quarters for such efforts. Of course, a leader in the true sense cannot be termed one if there are hardly any followers behind to make it crystal clear as to how inspirational he/she is as a leader.

PC: Chris Yeager

  • For followers to follow blindly or diligently behind a leader has to be preceded by an act or two that is worthy to evoke unquestioned following. Make no mistake, there are blind followers too who may not be necessarily inspired enough to follow their chosen leader, and reasons to do so could be anything from inducements, incentives, ulterior motives, threat, necessity, compulsions, or lack of options. The list could be infinitesimal.
  • As scores of achievers from diverse fields would readily vouch, leading a life of probity, integrity, honesty, commitment, dedication, and without blemishes is easier said than done. To maintain a consistent degree of inspirational achievements all through the journey in whatever field chosen extracts considerable discipline and strong will. Ask any of the successful entrepreneurs, sportspersons, corporate honchos, businessmen, or for that matter, millions of professionals and the one common acknowledgment coming forth from their end would be as mentioned below.


  • Reaching the summit with a single goal of achieving the objective is easier than continuing to sustain the unique position for a considerably longer period. Staying put unchallenged in the summit position will extract tremendous amounts of energy, resources, diligence, resilience, sacrifices, delayed gratification willingly, and focussed attention. You see, one has to first expend to receive something in return. The law of the universe cannot be altered, you see.
  • Not for nothing a leader is so fondly and blindly admired showering unadulterated love and affection on the deserving. Unfortunately, most of our political masters’ conduct during the ongoing second Covid wave where confirmed infection rates are reaching stratospheric heights are anything but inspirational or admirable. What is on display presently vis-à-vis diligent observance of Covid-Appropriate-Behaviour is nothing short of a condemnable act where hypocrisy is writ large. Lame exhortations without adherence from the leaders concerned tantamount to mere lip service deserving widespread ridicule, and nothing else.
  • Action should speak louder than words is an accepted axiom carrying irrefutable weights. Trust me, the general public are keen observers watching every single action of the leaders and as such, carefully presenting optics conveying the right meaning is extremely important to inspire others to follow suit. Sadly, our political leaders under the garb of electioneering and faith are throwing time-tested safety and health protocols to the wind by the foregoing wearing of masks, blatantly failing to maintain social distancing norms amidst teeming millions. A humble request to political masters to exhibit judicious awareness of the situation.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.