Never Underestimate Yourself, Never Overestimate Others!

Never Underestimate Yourself
  • Human beings are made up of several genetically inherited characteristic traits from our past lineage that are proven scientifically beyond doubt and accepted as the norm to define how we eventually evolve. Since immemorial, the study of human beings has evoked mixed emotions like fascination, intrigue, curiosity, a sense of foreboding, and the general loss of comprehension despite advancing the way we have over the centuries/millennia. The intriguing nature of human emotions has also entailed several path-breaking discoveries that have stood us in good stead while encountering life’s unanticipated challenges. Yes, innumerable contributions from some of the most outstanding brains have immensely helped us move ahead.

Mother Nature

PC: Daily Excelsior

  • However, Mother Nature has always remained supreme, not allowing humankind to feel superior even for an iota of time firmly establishing that we cannot even think of besting what flows so seamlessly keeping us in sync. Every philosophy whether Western or Eastern, profound thinkers, experts from the field of studying human evolution, and most importantly, the significant role essayed by the mind have proved very useful. We are aware of how crucial it is for the human body to remain healthy to realize the stated objectives of achieving the optimum vis-à-vis our capabilities. Indeed, the science of human physiology and psychology has undergone tremendous advancements over the centuries helping us to understand the very composition of the body itself.
  • Thus, based on the discernment arrived at after a comprehensive study of the human body and mind, it can be safely attested that both have a critical role to essay in developing our overall personality. Think for a moment what is the benefit of possessing a sound body but an unstable weak mind that simply does not believe in achieving as even a simple individual overcomes fighting challenges. Conversely speaking, a strong positive mindset may primarily alter the seemingly offsetting physical challenges even after encountering some of the most debilitating challenges along the way. Persisting self-doubts, fear of the unknown, lack of confidence in our abilities, and general disbelief to push ahead with great verve, intent, and vigor pull many of us down.

Persisting self-doubts

PC: GLWS Wellbeing

  • Yet another aspect that simply raises obstacles to realizing our true worth is the undue importance accorded to societal norms. Under normal circumstances, we tend to grossly underestimate our intelligence but not mind overestimating the intelligence of others. Ideally speaking, the characteristic trait of an individual should always be to remain positive, enthusiastic, optimistic, and accept challenges with an open mindset. This calls for developing an attitude of optimism even in the face of challenging situations. Easier said than done though. Mind you, there is no other way to overcome difficulties by embracing an attitude of pessimism which would further add to the mounting miseries. Remember, we are second to none. And the mirror should be the sole judge of who and what we eventually turn out to be.