Fighting Monday Blues? Here Are 10 Inspirational Quotes For Making Mondays Cheerful


Monday bluesEvery week, as our weekend proceeds towards the end, we start getting this gloomy feeling. It is the feeling of losing fun, comfort and relaxation of Saturdays and Sundays. It’s just Sunday night, but we start dreading over the start of the next day, i.e. Monday. Are Monday blues real? Why do we always feel low when thinking of starting the week; especially Monday? Nobody really knows the reason. However, one thing is sure, we all should be able to start the Mondays with full zest and enthusiasm.

Here are 10 inspirational quotes to tackle with Monday blues and start the week on a fun and happy note.



Monday blues1. Always believe something wonderful is about to happen: This is a perfect inspirational quote for Monday blues. Always remember that every day, you can start something new. That’s why they say, every day comes with lots of hope. Hence, remember to utilize the newness of the day; even if its Monday!



Monday blues2. It’s Monday. Get a new perspective. Whatever obstacle you’re facing, it’s not permanent: This is one of the most suitable quotes for the Monday blues. We think of Monday as a race with obstacles. However, you should remember that it’s not permanent and it will get over, just like any other day.





Monday blues3. It’s a good day to have a good day!: Every day we have two choices. To either think that it will be a good day or a bad day. And believe it or not, whatever we think first place in the morning, the day goes by that way. So, make sure that you ‘think’ that it will be a good day. This trick is applicable to all days, including Monday blues.





Monday blues4. It’s Monday. I’m Happy. I’m Blessed. God is going to do amazing things this week: You want some more fuel to tackle the Monday blues and start your week? Remember that God always has some good plans for us. Believe this fact and you will see your week passing with happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction.




Monday blues5. May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short: I always smile when I read this. And I always make my first coffee stronger on Mondays to fight the Monday blues. Somehow the stronger coffee makes me stronger!





Monday blues6. Rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm: This quote is sure to make you feel like a warrior. So, if you feel that Monday always defeats you, you attack the day with much more energy and enthusiasm.





Monday blues7. Oh, come on. It’s Monday, not doomsday: Yes, certainly! We have to remember that Monday is just one of the days in the week and treat it that way. The world is not going to end on a Monday and we will be alive to see Tuesday!






Monday blues8. Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too: Well, this quote is helpful even when you are feeling down. The simplest trick to eliminate the Monday blues is to smile. Just try to look happy, if you really are not. Smile while looking into the mirror and feel the change in your mood!





Monday blues9. To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work: Yes, this is absolutely true. When you love your work, you won’t get the Monday blues at all. In fact, you will look forward to start your week and your work. So, try to love what you do or choose the work that you would love to do.


Monday blues10. Don’t let the yesterday take up too much of today: We have Monday blues, because we don’t want to let go off Sundays and Saturdays from our minds. It is okay to recall the happy moments you spent over the weekend, but don’t let those moments hamper your energy for Mondays.




Image source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8, Image 9, Image 10, Image 11, Featured Image


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