Mistakes and Achievements Should Make Us Humble, Not Arrogant!

  • There is a famous saying that characterizes human endeavors as a perpetual work in progress never stopping from learning newer and newer things as we move along life’s journey complete with ups and downs. Since times immemorial, it is always said and understood with great conviction about human beings’ unrelenting quest for learning never stops till the last breath. Scores of evolved souls, profound thinkers, respected humanists, remarkable achievers, inspirational leaders, sacred spiritualists, seekers of the universe’s vast but unexplored mysteries, successful entrepreneurs, businessmen, and even ordinary people endowed with inquisitiveness have never failed to observe one common denominator all through their eventful voyage.


  • That is being humble and kind despite blessed with nature’s bountiful offerings. Accepting the blessings with gratitude is the key here. None of the abovementioned bench-setters in their remarkable achievements over long duration through trials, tribulations, challenges, and setbacks would even consider embracing negative thought processes that would greatly impinge in discharging their chosen enterprises. Such achievers know for sure that harboring even one negative thought would pave way for an avalanche of similar thought processes nullifying whatever achieved or envisaged objectives. Keeping away pessimistic thoughts through sheer grit and determination takes considerable effort for sure.
  • There are enough anecdotal and documented records to emphasize how success cannot be bought off the shelf just like that, but one needs to be prepared to shell out tremendous amounts of attempts, blood, sweat, perseverance, and a never-say-die attitude to cross the intended line. Success does not come easily without ever spending equal if not, more proportionate work ethics without compromising on hard work expected in return. That is the law of the universe and can never be changed as per the whims and fancies of mere mortals. Countless people have tried before to go against the established laws of the universe and results have been not surprising at all. Yes, futile and unrewarding returns are a given.

PC: Loraine Kasprzak

  • I suppose an allegory here is not out of place to further stress the matter. Imagine a scenario where we wish to withdraw money from the bank, say from a savings bank account. To withdraw money from the bank, equivalent or more amounts must be invariably deposited beforehand. We cannot demand haughtily nor request benignly when there is no money to withdraw in the first place. Similarly, determined go-getters shun excuses from hampering their progression by developing a solid mechanism of positivity capable of filtering negativities instantly. Simply put, there is no room for remotest obstacles forming in the deep recesses of the mind. Arrogance and pride are two enemies that should be kept at bay if we wish to make progress.
  • As the popular slogan goes, every mistake should be considered as a valuable lesson learned without allowing clouding of our thinking. Of course, a mistake repeated despite comprehending the situation also suggests a lack of ownership in addressing the issue at hand. Likewise, achievements of any magnitude should not lead to arrogance or superiority complex which is otherwise considered unacceptable in a civilized society. Equanimity is a virtue that must be embraced with utmost humbleness and genuine humility. In doing so, Mother Nature and destiny shaping our existence too would not hold back in showering blessings

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.