Is Being Happy a State of Mind, You Bet It Is!

  • At the cost of sounding repetitive and a struck record to boot, there is no harm in reiterating yet again the maxim mind over matter for the umpteenth time. Mind you, the statement never can change howsoever humanity thinks it has progressed ahead. Whatever might be the progression achieved over the millennium, certain inviolable laws of the universe will remain unchanged. The human mind has been a subject of intense, thorough, and impassioned discussions as well as dissections for the sheer amount of impregnability it maintains despite science and technology achieving unbelievable developments.

PC: TIS Staffer

  • None of the acclaimed personalities over millenniums have ever succeeded in decoding the functioning of the mind accurately and precisely. Innumerable attempts at comprehending the labyrinthine depths were, are, and will be undertaken but all of these are tantamount to merely scratching the surface without ever penetrating deep into the abyss. Of course, what we know for sure after centuries of studies is that the human mind functions in a unique manner for every individual being with no similarities whatsoever to bracket them alike. Further, we human beings are blessed with several dimensions of emotions that need no elaboration as the same is well documented too.
  • Indeed, we have an entire gamut of emotions like being happy, sad, angry, playful, cheerful, sulking, vengeful, murderous, altruistic, and the list can be exhaustive. Now, the moot point to ponder over here is whether we human beings can be prudent and wise enough to exercise control over these emotions. The answer cannot be so easy to utter as the very mention of exercising control over the wandering mind demands immense focus, determination, practice, and strong willpower to tie it around the way we wish to. How often have we heard innumerable sportspersons repeat keep it simple?


  • Makes immense sense since cluttering the mind with too many thought processes is bound to leave the same confused and chaotic. As such, is it not advisable to simply follow the keep it simple maxim by learning to stay happy and content despite facing challenging situations as life keeps throwing at us? Why not is my retort! One may not have to be certified as an evolved soul, wisdom blessed, wiser, experienced, and an expert to uphold the virtues of being happy as the perception of staying content whatever the life bestows upon us should be good enough to reach such a state of mental equilibrium.
  • Easier said than done though as the pulls, pressures, and attractions around us are bound to suck into a vortex of situations that is guaranteed to leave anybody drained out completely. The easiest way to conquer the unleashed mind into a controlled grip is to develop an attitude of gratitude by thanking all that we have been blessed with over the years. Trust me, an unadulterated expression of thankfulness inherently possesses a magic potion helping even the aggrieved mind to calm down and remain tranquil. A happy state of mind is the greatest treasure we can possibly possess. Urge each one of us to express uninhibited gratitude to witness the magic unwind.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.