• I am certain the Indian citizens will be extremely happy with the democratic form of governance that provides freedom to express whatever they wish, to air views fearlessly, choose what they wish to pursue as a vocation, allow them to crisscross the large swathe of landscape, and of course, the rights as guaranteed in the Constitution. As citizens, we are aware of how the democratic form of governance is so much better than other forms like dictatorial, autocratic, monarchy, authoritarian, and aristocratic. Yes, we should be thanking our forefathers and all those known and unknown freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the larger cause of the nation. Generations to come will be indebted to our forefathers for their farsightedness.

Edits In Short: January 2


  • Nonetheless, democracy signifies that views, counterviews, opposition, and disagreements are part of the process allowing the citizens to question the elected representatives. Remember, the Indian Constitution is based on the tenet by the people, of the people, and for the people. Also, the Constitution bestows equal responsibilities on the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary to uphold and deliver without encroaching on the other’s territory. This aspect has been assiduously held up by each arm of the Constitution. However, instances of one arm transgressing into the other’s territory are often reported.  Did someone mention judicial activism? Yes, the overt crossing of lines by the judiciary into the domain of the executive/legislature is a fact.

Shoot the Traitors”: Discrimination Against Muslims under India's New  Citizenship Policy | HRW

 PC:Human Rights Watch

  • Reams and reams have been written about the way the Indian political system is based on caste considerations. Though the Constitution prohibits class, creed, caste, religion, ethnicity, and linguistic division, the political class irrespective of party affiliations will always find a way to navigate through these parameters. Parochial considerations are always the guiding principle for the political class whose zeal to consolidate the assiduously built vote banks propel them to target the caste. Yes, the labyrinthine caste equations have become an inalienable part of the country alongside quotas and reservations added for good measure. The bane of corruption has taken deep roots in every aspect of our existence, especially in the governance/administration.Why this Desperation for 'One Nation, One Election'? | Liberation Central  Organ of CPIML



  • Yes, the moniker Government Work is God’s Work adorns every government office but the true spirit behind the same simply vanishes into thin air when common people’s numerous works do not get fructified on expected lines. Despite efforts by successive governments, civil society members, the judiciary, concerned civilians, affected people, the media, and the ilk, the bane of corruption has considerably eroded the moral fabric much to the detriment of the country. Little wonder, Indian citizens are increasingly becoming cynical knowing fully well that nothing works seamlessly without the bane of corruption tagging along. Did someone say we are a god-fearing lot but would not mind being hypocritical?  Yes, we are resigned to the fact and accept our fate.