There are some million ways to protect yourself isn’t it? And to add further there are some million people trying to tell you how to do it too. OK don’t really get me wrong I am not trying to be one of those millions today. Cause all that I am aiming to do with this small write up is to make you aware with some really basic and easy safety measures. My main motive is to help you accomplish your main priority which is to stay safe in all possible way and in all possible situation too.
Increasing Crime & Safety Of Women
Today the rate in which the crimes are increasing is becoming a matter of concern for most of us. Especially for women, how safe do you feel when you leave your home each morning? This indeed is a very difficult question. In the present scenario the crimes against women is increasing rapidly. Women just cannot rely on the society to safeguard their interest, but women need to move ahead and take their own responsibility and be cautious enough to safeguard her interests. No one on the earth will fend for her then she herself.
The women need to be strong both physically and mentally in order to be safe in this unsafe atmosphere. They need to be independent, have a sense of basic self-awareness.
Top 10 Tips For Safety
Remember Ladies! its better to be safe than be sorry. Here are 10 basic tips that you could follow to ensure you are safe.
1. Situational Awareness
Situational awareness typically means being aware of your surroundings. Now on always make it a habit to see as well as know what going on around you. It doesn’t take much time to look around when you walk in or out of any place, this will help you know if anyone is lingering around you. The idea isn’t to become paranoid but just be alert and aware.
2. Always Stay Alert
This is one mistake that most of us make, as we stay too much in our own sweet world. It is very important to always be alert and conscious. One of the most common mistake that most of us make is being on the phone and of noticing the dangers around us. So next time you are out keep your phone in your bag. Also don’t be busy chatting with your group while walking, you wouldn’t notice what’s behind you.
3. Keep Your Information Secret
It is important that you understand the importance to keep your personal information secret. Always think twice before revealing any information to a stranger. You will just not how your information is getting used by that stranger. I understand that you got a clean heart but that stranger might not, so be careful.
4. Stay Armed
Ever heard of pepper spray or a safety alarm gadget? Yes, these exist so pick up one for yourself. Always be well equipped and well-armed with such gadgets. These handy gadgets will help you in case if someone tries to attack you.
5. Don’t Forget to Lock that Door Behind You
A common mistake that most of us make is that we leave the door behind us open and get busy with other things. Be it bathroom door, car door or that trial room door, make sure you first put the lock on and then manage other things. Those bad guys might just catch you when you least expect them to.
6. Speak Up
Don’t ever hesitate to use your voice- Scream, Yell Or Command if needed. Women often don’t speak up when its needed, this is actually giving rise to unwanted situations. People might totally get you wrong if you don’t tell them. Also don’t be embarrassed to speak up, cause if you don’t you might land up in a situation which might be even more embarrassing. So the choice is yours.
7. Say No To Drinks Offered From Strangers
This isn’t a happening thing ladies. Men offer drinks to ladies in pubs and parties, but do you know these drinks can actually be spiked? Yes, it can be, so always say no to drinks offered by strangers. If you like to drink get one for yourself independently rather than relying on anyone else.
8. The Elevator Strategy
This might sound like a funny strategy, but it works. Whenever you are alone in an elevator and a stranger walk in with you. Go ahead and press all the buttons of the lift, this will ensure that the lift would halt on all the floors preventing the stranger to do anything wrong to you.
9. Trust Your Instincts
It is very important to always trust your gut. Whenever you feel a situation is weird, get out of it immediately. Be it a person or place just get away from it.
10. Always Portray A Strong You
It is important that you showcase a strong you, never let insecurity come over your face. You might come across people who would scare of frightened you, but you act smart by not letting him know that you are scared. Always keep your loved ones informed about any stalker who is bothering you. Don’t hesitate to seek help from the police if needed to get rid of him.
The world isn’t perfect, so don’t expect that no one would ever want to harm another individual. Learn to protect yourself, be strong always as your safety is totally in your hands.
Image Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Featured Image.