How to Win the Battle Between the Ears? What It Takes to Develop a Sound Mindset?

  • Reams and reams have been written about developing, cultivating, adhering, and upholding the virtues of a positive mental attitude in our daily lives. It could be a student, professional, businessman/woman, entrepreneur, leader, or for that matter, a householder/keeper, every one of us is expected to be positive in our outlook, disposition, and discourse during our lives. Easier said than done though. However, the sheer travails of life, the challenges encountered along the way, the unexpected occurrences, and the uncertainty surrounding our existence make us wonder what lies ahead in mundane life. Little wonder, it is often mentioned that no none can take life for granted as what unfolds unexpectedly cannot be pinpointed or guessed accurately.


PC: Zella Life

  • Yes, sometimes call it the gut feeling, sixth sense, and intuition may wittingly or unwittingly play a significant role in deciding our course of action on a particular issue/matter. Yes, it may or may not be helpful in the overall scheme of things but what matters is how one decides to move ahead. As you are aware, the mind or the intellect decides how we go about taking initiative in addressing the issue as perceived. It could be treated as the most daunting one or as an extremely challenging one or despairingly unattainable one or for that matter, beyond the self’s capability to even comprehend fully. Now, where these perceptions are triggered is the moot point to ponder over. These thought processes originate from the deep recess of our mind or intellect, where else?
  • It is mentioned by profound thinkers, great achievers, proven experts, and highly successful personalities that what goes between the ears defines who we eventually turn out to be. Let’s reread the phrase to infer what is being reaffirmed here. Nothing new, you see. Undoubtedly, the thought processes coursing through the mind at any given point in time are extremely crucial to identifying what we eventually emerge right from our formative years. Remember, human beings are all about conditioning, and as such, developing a positive mindset by establishing due importance to enriching affirmations would go a long way in shaping our personality. Of course, the subconscious mind works in a miraculous manner manifesting thoughts into actions.


PC: Zella Life

  • Notably, the subconscious mind is immune from differentiating between positive and negative. Thus, it is imperative to feed our thought processes with positive connotations as much as possible and also make earnest attempts at keeping the negativity at bay. Indeed, the power of positive affirmations needs no further emphasis simply because the mind is attuned to act upon positive impulses when stated loudly or with conviction. The converse is true for negative thoughts that would considerably impinge on our abilities to act positively. The most effective way to override negative thoughts is by forcefully stating positive affirmations at times. The rest would be handled by the subconscious mind giving us a fresh impetus in our life. It’s proven, tested, and ascertained.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.