• At the cost of sounding cliched, repetitive, and parroting the same stuff that has been done to death over the millennia, it’s worth reiterating what makes humanity stay resilient even in the face of tremendous challenges that we encounter perpetually. As the saying goes, life is not always full of roses proves itself time and again when the most unexpected occurs without showing an inkling whatsoever. Paradoxically speaking, the very existence of humankind in the larger scheme of things entails fascinating occurrences interspersed with unpleasant experiences, making it so vibrant as well as highly unpredictable. Of course, we have learned to overcome such challenges by showcasing admirable resilience whatever the challenges life has to throw at us.

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  • The moot point to ponder over here is how to stay positive when things around us appear to be completely ganged up against us. Circumstances surrounding our daily existence alter dynamically are stating the obvious. Sometimes we are forced to agonize over why life is not fair to us whereas it appears extremely blessed to others. The fact of the matter and the beauty of life is that every individual, family, society, and in turn, country will encounter challenges of a diverse nature. It’s imprudent to categorize every occurrence into one single category. Have we not heard about one-size fits all mentality is bound to be counterproductive? Similarly, the law of the universe is bound to bless in ways best known to itself which has not been deciphered yet by humankind.

The Power of Doing Nothing: How Meditation Restores Clarity and Reflection

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  • Make no mistake, we are bound to make comparisons despite making every effort to desist from indulging in this despicable and negative characteristic trait. If someone mentions with certainty that they do not indulge in comparison with matters related to anything and everything afflicting us, he/she must be joking. Mind you, comparisons are inevitable for ordinary mortals like us, or else, we could be considered fully enlightened souls bereft of mundane matters of life. This is where adopting measures like holistic living would be of immense help. We Indians are blessed to have our ancient scriptures guiding us in every walk of life. Epics, legends, legacy, heritage, tradition, culture, and anecdotes remain a cornerstone for most of us. We should embrace it.

Nurturing India's Cultural Heritage

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  • As such, exploring the spiritual side of our heritage will immensely benefit us when life’s challenges appear to be insurmountable many times. The Vedantic scriptures passed on to us from ancient times have nurtured our heritage beautifully and it’s time we embrace the same with intent and belief. A spiritual outlook towards life not only ensures we stay pragmatic and practical and carry responsibilities with a sense of equilibrium but also provides us with clarity of thought without getting encumbered by mundane challenges. This also leads to positive thought processes enabling us to swim through crisis rather unaffected. Humans are bound to suffer but can be less tortuous by adopting a holistic outlook towards life. Yes, we can remain positive too.