• Indian women would love to flaunt gold ornaments of various hues, shapes, and sizes needs no further elaboration. Women here simply love to showcase the latest varieties of gold ornaments when an opportunity presents. It could be a grand celebration like an engagement ceremony, a marriage, an anniversary party, or for that matter anything to do with a large eclectic gathering of people from different strata of society ebulliently attempting to showcase their latest acquisition to the whole world. Indian women are known to not only invest in the precious metal big time but also make every attempt to ensure they have recourse and resources to own the same irrespective of their social standing.

Gold demand seen resilient as Indians 'learn to live with virus', ET Retail

PC: ET Retail

  • Of course, it makes sense since the investment will yield the returns without waiting too long. Why only women, the latest trend visible from around the world shows even men do not mind flaunting a variety of gold ornaments with great conviction. It used to appear a bit odd during the initial years, watching men wear gold, but not the case anymore with society as well as fashion connoisseurs approving without questioning. Little wonder, the smuggling activities associated with gold always existed and have only seen heading northwards of late with ingenious ways and means adopted by the indulgent. Multinational syndicates operating a gold smuggling racket have prospered over the decades, despite the law enforcement agencies tightening vigilance.

Indian Women Own More Gold Than The Combined Reserves Of Top 5 Nations | Her Circle

PC: Her Circle

  • As you are aware, a recent incident of a cop’s actress daughter getting caught at Bengaluru international airport while smuggling gold from overseas again brought to the fore the lure of the yellow metal and the big moolah associated with it. Indians obsess over owning it and now global investors are loving it too. However, the Union Government dislikes the foreign exchange outgo on it. Smugglers continue to make merry knowing fully well our bottomless hunger for the shiny metal and governments’ import duties. These days, roiling equities and Trump’s trade war are further shoring up gold’s safe investor haven status. Global gold prices are at an all-time high, having already broken records ten plus times this year, and more rallies are safely forecast.

Woman Caught Smuggling Gold In Form Of Gold Foil In A Chocolate Box

PC: Hauterrfly
  • As such, an actress smuggling gold into Bengaluru isn’t surprising at all. What’s more worrying is how easily she’d succeeded in gaming airport security. Daughter of a DGP, she took advantage of some special protocol for senior govt officers to evade proper checking. Each of us has experienced harassment by VIP privileges first-hand. But if these are also easy cover for crime, that must be prosecuted and systemically counteracted forthwith. It’s now being emphasized from the IPS officer’s side that the actress is his stepdaughter, and she got married four months ago. If these facts are intended to establish his distance from her, that’s truly strange. Why should either detail dilute the parental relation? That apart, gold will attract unparalleled attention. Period.