Five State Assembly Results Should Pave the Way to Concrete Actions on the Ground!

  • One of the most common hurdles encountered by the governments during elections is to face restrictions in coming out with social welfare announcements since the model code of conduct comes into effect allowing none. Consequently, many of the measures get stalled or kept in abeyance as the country witnesses one or the other form of elections right through the year. As you are aware, the five state assembly elections underway presently, including all crucial Uttar Pradesh, will be behind us in the next few days. As such, what does it entail on the state governments to ensure usual political one-upmanship does not take precedence over real governance to cushion the citizens from hardships?


  • Needless to mention, the last two years have been most challenging for the countrymen in more than one way. No wonder, people would be looking up to the administrators to come out with welcome policies and measures to lessen their burden. Against this backdrop, the parties or coalitions that win in the ensuing state election don’t have much time to savor their success. Naturally, keen followers would have observed desperations over the present economic scenario on many voters worried about their future. Unfortunately, just as the pandemic was giving way to a nascent economic recovery, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has upended all calculations.
  • Make no mistake, fuel prices kept in check by the long election cycle are poised for a sharp rise unless the Centre cuts taxes amid high inflation becoming the big new worry. Note that Uttar Pradesh with its 20 crore population and 80 Lok Sabha seats counts for a lot, not just in Indian politics, but also for India’s developmental prospects. Worryingly, Niti Aayog’s recent poverty estimates reveal that nearly 38% of the state’s population languished in multidimensional poverty. Of course, with access to higher education improving over the years – UP alone produces 16 lakh graduates, postgraduates, and diplomates every year – the clamor among youngsters preparing for competitive examinations and skilled employment is rising.

PC: Prasanta Sahu

  • Other states are in similar quandaries too. Paddy cultivation in Punjab isn’t ecologically sustainable anymore but the political leadership is struggling to provide an alternative narrative to the entrenched Green Revolution. Irresponsible populist measures like waiver of loans and free water as well as electricity are being bandied about by all political parties at the cost of fiscal prudence. Further, Goa’s loss of mining revenues and Uttarakhand’s frustration at unrealized tourism potential are reflective of the challenges many states are facing to preserve both ecology and development gains. Manipur would look forward to turning its back on AFSPA in the coming days for sure.
  • Less said the better about the political gamesmanship which is producing sub-par results. Noticeably, the dominant rhetoric in these elections was all about caste census, flagging Hindu-Muslim divides, populist handouts, welfarism, and unlocking government jobs. Comprehensive developmental plans to generate jobs and opportunities were sorely lacking. Sadly, the needs of the private sector, which has contributed to creating the most jobs, growth, and wealth since 1991, were found scarcely mentioned. Better late than never, governance must take priority again as too many policy knots need untangling even as bad politics creates fresh problems.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.