Dalit Woman Rape & Death Case is a Shameful Act!

  • The caste prejudice is so deeply etched in our society even after claiming to be at par with most of the advancing countries on the path to attain modernity as defined in the present day, that the class and gender differentiation keeps perpetrating with such alarming regularity is simply unacceptable. Modern societies should not be burdened with despicable biases based on the realms of caste, class, gender, and skin color of human beings that need no further emphasis. Sadly, our society is still saddled with outdated preconception despite concerted efforts to reign in the malice is a matter of great concern.


  • The latest shameful act reported from the hinterland of Hathras, Uttar Pradesh where a 19-year-old young woman was brutally gang-raped by Upper Caste men, had her tongue cut, badly injured spinal cord, and finally after battling out through unmitigated pain and shame, passed away is an extremely disheartening turn of event tugging right at the heartstrings of any conscientious human being. That the alleged four perpetrators cut the tongue of the young woman with a warning to not reveal the act to anyone or else her family members would be shot dead sends a chill down the spine.
  • What subsequently followed is even more heart-breaking compelling to wring our hands in frustration as the Dalit woman was neither administered optimal medical treatment nor the police treat her sympathetically leaving the victim to endure the torture for a fortnight. Most shockingly, when the woman succumbed to her injuries, she was cremated surreptitiously in darkness without the family’s consent or presence to bid the departed time one final time. It cannot get worse, bizarre, and callous mirroring high-handedness and scant disregard for upholding the dignity of the woman.

PC: Qazi Faraz Ahmad

  • In the aftermath of the Nirbhaya episode that shook the collective conscience of the entire nation and beyond, the laws concerning rape cases were strengthened stringently bowing to the pressure exerted by all concerned stakeholders. However, the lengthy and winding procedural conduct is bound to leave much exasperated waiting for delivery of justice which might see the day of light after years on. Note that there is also an inexplicable caste divide and prejudices in the rank and file of the police forces across the country that dissuades prompt action owing to extraneous considerations.
  • Crying calls for ushering in Police reforms, long overdue despite strictures from the Supreme Court, should be delayed any longer. Merely expressing sympathies and commiserations whenever incidents of brutalities occur will cut no ice with the aggrieved people. Time for platitudes under the umbrage of clichés like the law will take its course will have to make way for concrete safeguarding actions, well supported by the laws and enforcing agencies, taking precedence over everything else. Authorities should act purposefully and act at once.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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