Cynicism is Creeping in Courtesy Widespread Duplicity and Hypocrisy!

  • Millions of people hooked onto social media and microblogging sites would be well acquainted with the zillions of forwards flooding their smartphones. Most of the forwards invariably turn out to be nothing but an inane, irrelevant, and fake bit of information that receives deserving treatment or deletion without even succeeding to evoke a cursory glance. Of course, there are warm innocuous Good Morning and Good Night wishes too forwarded by near and dear ones which most often than not receives lukewarm and customary responses.


  • Most of the messages might sound philosophical, ideologically inclined, sarcastic, caustic, rational, contemporary, and highlighting present-day scenarios in a crisp, subtle, and pragmatic manner. There are some exceptions though noticed by the keen observers drawing attention to those forwards for their thought-provoking content compelling us to delve deep into introspecting the inherent meaning accompanying the same. Life has been anything but normal for most of us ever since the pandemic has forcefully made its exasperating presence in our lives in one or the other forms.
  • As such, nobody can lay claim from being immune to the debilitating vagaries perpetrated by the marauding virus. Therefore, any message that makes us feel lighter, evokes hearty laughter, and makes us wonder and appreciate such an entertaining gift of the gab is a real blessing. Enterprising and happy-go-lucky people amidst us are thankfully blessed with a wicked sense of humor which gets manifested sometimes in those clever, quirky, and welcome forwards greatly helping us feel relieved from unknowingly built pent-up pressure.
  • One such forward received recently caught my attention as the message succinctly describes the prevalent situation on the resurgence of the rampaging second Covid wave sweeping across the country. How irresponsible, complacent, and utter lack of situational awareness from the people meant to lead from the front like our political parties and their leaders in combating the ongoing health crisis pithily get mirrored in the mentioned message. Cannot be better explained on the pitiable situation staring at us.


  • Read the message, and you are bound to appreciate it wholesomely relating to the raging issue instantly. Millions roaming around without a mask at the Kumbh Mela is called DEVOTION. Thousand attending political rallies amidst the pandemic is called NATIONALISM. Sitting alone in my own car without a mask is a CRIME. Appropriate description indeed. Despite confirmed infection rates reaching stratospheric levels, millions of devotees congregating at the Kumbh Mela ostensibly to get rid of accumulated sin under the guise of devotional exchange defies logic.
  • Likewise, political rallies undertaken by the leaders allowing teeming followers to accompany without a personal mask and non-existent social distancing measures get monikered as nationalism. Damn if the infection cases are rising. Concerned citizens raising questions on the foolhardiness of such huge gatherings will be categorized as anti-nationals. To show the state means business in their endeavors to discipline people to follow health and safety guidelines, common citizens like us are easy prey for police/marshals on the prowl ever ready to fine us or hold us captive like a hardened criminal. Can somebody enlighten me as to what is happening here?

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.