• Many of us would vouch in unison unequivocally about one aspect that cannot be missed whenever the New Year heralds. While many would look forward to ushering in the new year with gay abandon, a few would resist too. Yes, traditionalists and absolute sticklers for Indian heritage would sneer when someone refers 01st January as the first day of the new year. For them, it is the English calendar new year nothing less nothing more. Probe them further they will not mind one bit lecturing us about our age-old tradition, legacy, and heritage in enlightening us about our new year that would fall in the month of March. Tell this aspect to the present generation, you will be met with a sneer and a condescending retort mentioning how ancient our thought processes are.

New Year's Resolution that will Make a Huge Impact - Consentia Group

PC: Consentia Group

  • Of course, the old versus new is not an unknown phenomenon either while playing out in the same manner since times immemorial. However, what has not changed over the centuries is the same old practices of human beings looking forward to the new year – the English calendar of course – to come out with resolutions. Now, do not become cynical or quizzical or for that matter comical while the less resolute lot attempt to make commitments they were longing to for so long to proclaim. Call it peer pressure or contemporary expectations, many of us would want to emulate someone who appears perfect in all respects. Trust me, there will always be such legends who will be the envy of many ordinary mortals like us living a life worthy of emulation. Period.

Tips For A Healthy New Year

PC: Seeba International

  • The moot point to ponder over here is what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary and how to make a crossover to the other envious side. Remember, humans are nothing but conditioned beings tending to embrace the status quo rather than showing an adventurous side by willingly stepping into unchartered territories. As the experience shows unambiguously, the month of December is viewed with trepidation as well as expectation when most of us wish to change our routine by adopting appropriate measures to stay in tune with those who appear to have cracked the extraordinary codes. What are the common resolutions that make way leading up to the end of December? No guesses there, I suppose since it’s so common to guess!

Healthy New Year resolutions: Follow these tips to stay fit | Health News - The Indian Express

PC: The Indian express

  • What else but adhering to a healthy lifestyle supplemented by a naturally nutritious diet, regular exercises, quitting alcohol/tobacco consumption, embracing meditation, remaining focused on set goals/objectives/ambitions, concentrating on furthering education, and generally remaining committed to the above resolutions come what may. Unfortunately, we tend to overlook January 12th – termed as the quitter’s day – looming around which tends to break our resolve within days of starting intended resolutions with much fanfare. Not all are feeble-minded you see. Some of us will stick to the initiatives with grit and determination to eventually emerge trendsetters. How do we desperately wish to be bracketed among this category rather than the other? Go for it, guys!