CBSE Taking Months to Evaluate OMR Sheets is Unacceptable!

  • One of the most profoundly affected segments of society during the pandemic must be students who have had to endure extreme duress for no faults of theirs. Especially students of Grade X and XII have been deprived of conventional learning at a time considered as crucial stepping stones to further their future goals in the most competitive environment out there. We know temporary measures like online pedagogy hardly succeeded in making any palpable difference vis-à-vis knowledge accumulation. The prevalent situation has only exacerbated in piling on the pressure on millions of impressionable students standing on the cusp of crossroads.

PC: Innodel

  • There are innumerable instances of students losing their bearings owing to uncertainties staring at them owing to the pandemic-induced challenges. We all know how several education boards were forced to alter their plans in conducting annual examinations to ensure students do not lose out on continuous education keeping in mind their future progression. However, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has faltered badly in failing to release Term 1 results on time. As you are aware, it’s that most stressful time of the year for CBSE students of Grades X and XII, with practical exams already underway and Term 2 theory exams all set to begin in a month.
  • On the upside, with the pandemic currently in a controlled phase, these board exams may proceed in a standard offline fashion, after a gap of two years much to the delight of all concerned. Worthwhile to reiterate that students have endured harrowing times during this period courtesy of constant changes in the evaluation process as well. Of course, while some of these alterations have been necessitated by Covid taking unforeseen turns, others have betrayed an insensitive carelessness. One such instance is the release of Term 1 results in the middle of Term 2 exams by CBSE.


  • Remember, Term 1 exams were conducted as far back as in November-December, that too in the objective format, with optical mark recognition (OMR) answer sheets. Back then, the CBSE collected lots of bouquets for good design-thinking with many expecting both greater transparency and speedy same-day grading from the new process. Therefore, it is shocking that the results have instead taken longer than the traditional board exam. Most irritatingly, during their long wait, students, schools, and parents have not been extended the courtesy of coherent explanations or updates with nobody having a clue about the results. Mind you, there are new uncertainties too.
  • What will replace the well-defined, transparent, and centralized process for appeals for revaluation? To date, the specific weightage of the two sets of marks has also not been declared. The CBSE is expected to show leadership to state boards that don’t have the human and financial resources to deal with more poorly equipped. Unfortunately, what is on display is sheer lethargy and lackadaisical attitude showing CBSE in poor light. Rather than show consistency in setting question papers or clear and reliable assessment protocols, it also sets a poor example again and again. Note that around 36 lakh students took the Term 1 exams, and they deserved much greater empathy and consideration from CBSE. Unacceptable and condemnable, no less!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.