Entertainment Industry Will Soon Revert to New Normal!

Those who are hooked onto television soaps and serials since long would vouch how much they missed out on their daily quota of...

Starting of Schools – Headache for Aurhorities, Concerns for Parents!

Successive lockdowns have paved way for eventual easing of many restrictions as expected. Now that Unlock 1.0 has kicked in, exit strategies to...

When We Would be Travelling to Our Favorite Destinations?

I am sure scores of citizens would be echoing along as to when we would be allowed to travel to our favorite tourist...

Working Women Contribute More Than Men in Running Homes

There is a long-standing established norm governing the society that has demarcated role-plays essayed by men and women to run the house. Earnings...

Spitting of Tobacco in Public Places is Banned, Really!

Amongst many restrictions eased and few measures required to be adhered to strictly post lockdown, one of the measures advocated by the authorities...

Is Online Learning Effective and Healthy at the Same Time!

Schools and colleges are the most sensitive areas requiring greater attention and care before the authorities concerned decides to allow opening in the...

Amazing Human Resolve in the Face of Adversaries

Since times immemorial, humanity has witnessed jaw-dropping, eyebrow-raising and amazingly inspirational tales of endeavors that defies most often than not long-held beliefs. Stories...

Back to Roots – Harmonious Living Respecting Mother Nature is Inevitable

Over the century or so, the humankind underwent such rapid transformation vis-à-vis scientific advancements, technological progression, medical inventions, life-style alterations, healthcare improvements and...

How Can One Run Wearing a Mask?

As every other activity makes a return gradually across the country courtesy easing of lockdown restrictions, some allowances granted to joggers and sportspersons/athletes...

Must Read

Fascinating to Know how Haryana Produces Sports Personalities Perpetually!

It is generally believed that India as a country sorely lacks the sporting culture abundantly witnessed in several other countries. Countries like the...

Why Democracies in the Subcontinent is Spiralling Out of Control?

Yes, the Indian subcontinent is surrounded by some of the smaller nations that were right on the path of economic development competing not...

The Visuals of the New Parliament Building Leaking Rainwater is Awful!

The entire country was overawed, mesmerized, and felt extremely elated no sooner than the new Parliamentary building was inaugurated last year by the...