Caste, Quotas, and Reservations Cannot be Overlooked!

  • The Indian political landscape is a unique proposition endowed with labyrinthine caste conundrum and equations need no further emphasis. Since independence, the earliest socialist government led by the first Prime Minister of the country set things in motion a certain blueprint that had the caste at the center of our policies. As you are aware, India has witnessed how caste played such a great role in our society over the millennia and continues to this day despite making tremendous advances over the centuries. Come to think of it, the modern-day world is considered to be the most advanced with some of the most cutting-edge technologies shaping our destiny like never before. India too is at the forefront contributing immensely to information technology, you see.



  • Of course, by being a democratic country, India must be conscious of implementing the socio-economic measures to ensure every stratum of society receives equal attention. Presently, India may be basking in the glory of being touted as an aspirational society aiming to be counted among the most advanced nations in the world. Our economic heft has risen in the geostrategic and geopolitical space as we count among the five biggest economies in the world. The moot point to ponder over here is whether such claims and objectives have helped the last man standing to come out of abject poverty and lead a dignified life. The answer is in the negative simply because the all-round growth witnessed has not flowed in the direction of the common citizens yet.
  • One of the critical factors pulling the efforts of the successive governments formed at the Centre is the vexatious issue of the well-established caste equations defining every move of the administration. It’s welcome that the incumbent Union Government wishes to highlight the narrative about the country being on the path of unprecedented development, but the reality of lack of employment opportunities and insufficient job creation have led to the political parties embracing the time-tested caste, quotas, and reservations big-time. The post-pandemic economic scenario in the country has seen a sheer lack of uniformity in the growth trajectory highlighting the challenges faced by the Union Government in ensuring everyone gets a worthwhile pie.


PC: iPleaders

  • As is their wont, the political parties are always on the lookout to fish in the troubled waters aiming to further consolidate the assiduously built vote banks. Little wonder, raking up castes, quotas, and reservations ensures the raw emotions are stirred thereby drawing the attention of the sizeable population. It’s another matter altogether whether such assurances and promises indeed yield the desired results on expected lines. Mind you, one cannot fault the struggling but hopeful people finding solace in assurances even if it goes against the larger interests of the nation. When everyday existence is mired in challenges galore, who cares about altruism and nationalism? Undeniably, castes, quotas, and reservations are here to stay. Brace up for it.