Altered Equations: Senior Citizens in the Modern World

  • Widely prevalent not so long ago – restricting here to not later than couple of centuries for
    the sake of easy comprehension – closely knit as well as extended families supplementing
    the core were the accepted norms. Hardly few families could boast of being nuclear as
    against the teeming one’s witnessed during the times adhering to the social code that
    worked so harmoniously. Of course, there used to be considerable challenges with regards
    to shared resources but that never possibly became hindrance to sustain social coherence
    within the society back then.


  • Patriarchal hegemony was the order of the day – that continues even now in pockets though
    – responsibilities between both the genders were well defined with senior male members
    anointed as head of the families entrusted to run all-encompassing daily affairs. Female
    members ran the household chores alongside bringing up the progenies as the era of the
    day defined. Differences, frictions, trials and tribulations were handled expertly most of the
    times without letting the issue(s) go unresolved or unaddressed for too long. So far so good!

PC: Medium

  • As the modernity slowly made its presence ubiquitous and subsequently indispensable as it
    stands now, societal fabric too underwent gradual changes in commensurate with the
    evolving standards. Amidst exponential growth and revolutionary advancements – though
    welcomed by the human race irrespective of boundaries – one major casualty emerging out
    of the altered demographics was the noticeable loss of the preeminence of joint and
    extended families. Thus, nuclear family(s) overwhelmingly assumed significance altering the
    very characteristics of long followed societal customs and beliefs.

PC: Freepik

  • What this particular breaking away of the societal structure did was to land a deathly blow
    to the hitherto dominant position enjoyed by the senior member(s) and consequent
    divesting of saying in matter concerning family. Modernity beckoned migration and the
    following exodus of humanity towards urban settlements on the lookout for promising
    existence was a natural corollary leading to present day altered situation where nuclear
    families are ruling the roost. Senior citizens, conveniently christened, are reduced to
    essaying a supporting role relegated to mostly taking care of younger ones as well as
    carrying out sundry chores.

PC: Freepik

  • Pragmatically speaking, restoration of past glory may not be conceivable nor feasible
    immediately but the least we all should unflinchingly undertake is to accord our elders –
    parents’ and the ilk – respectability, patient hearing out, listening to emanating points of
    view without being judgmental as often as it merits to show that we do care for them. I feel,
    without our parents’ and elders reassuring presence and primacy, we as a family are

PC: Freepik

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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