Cinemas in Theaters are Making a Huge Splash! No One is Complaining Though!

  • It will sound like a cliché whilst mentioning yet again the debilitating effects of the pandemic-induced restrictions in the form of lockdowns and restricted mobility on the livelihoods of citizens cutting across the geographical boundaries. Can’t stop the topic from coming up though. As you are aware, one of the most severely affected sectors was the entertainment industry, more specifically cinemas being not allowed to be screened in theaters. Since Covid’s appropriate behavior mandated maintaining social distancing by disallowing close proximity, there were no way cinema theaters could be allowed to run at full capacity. Restricted seating while allowing screening didn’t make much financial sense either.

PC: Movie Crow

  • Remember, several big-budget movies were lying in the cans even as the successive waves of virus left behind a trail of destruction all around leading to the extended closure of cinema halls. With the vaccination drive picking up pace in the country, and the third wave steadily ebbing by the day, the theaters are now allowed to operate at full capacity much to the delight of the stakeholders. As happened commonly everywhere else, the virtual world did offer people consigned within the four walls of their homes an opportunity to indulge in experiencing the entertainment quotient in the form of the over-the-top (OTT) platforms beaming varied content for consumption. We all know how overwhelming it was received the world over.
  • Of course, India was not an exception too as the OTT platforms provided unlimited entertaining content satiating the needs of the people starved of conventional entertainment modes. However, ask any of the quintessential movie lovers brought up on a regular diet of big-screen releases, the small screen was just an alternative mode of entertainment forced to indulge owing to extraneous considerations. Make no mistake, the thrill, excitement, anticipation, experience, soaking in the atmosphere, and immersing in the happenings unfolding on the big screen surrounded by a teeming audience can never be replicated while positioning oneself in front of a small screen.

PC: Onmanorama Staff

  • Indeed, big production houses were waiting for the restrictions to ease eventually. No sooner did the government authorities lift the restrictions completely by allowing 100% occupancy of cinema halls when the third wave started ebbing gradually, long-awaited and much-anticipated cinemas were announced for release much to the delight of the patrons. And what followed was a slew of releases by the biggest production houses starring established superstars. Many delayed movies cutting across languages have started rolling out regularly. As a welcome sign, many of the movies produced nowadays are made to cater to the pan-India audience as well.
  • Of late, the Indian cinema is acquiring a new recognition transgressing from the earlier days when regional movies were consigned to local consumption alone. Especially, the southern language films are being made/dubbed in Hindi which ensures the content reaches much wider audiences. Movie buffs are not complaining as one release after another is striking more than gold at the box office setting the cash registers ringing. Such a golden run only spells better tidings for the Indian industry per se. It is widely understood that the audience is the king ultimately and the content on offer alone does make or break any performer. Yes, the big and small screens can co-exist too.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.