Women Still Continue to be Treated as Commodities and at the Mercy of Patriarchy!

  • Reams and reams have been written on the plight of the Indian women who remain under the firm control of the largely patriarchal society not in sync with the changing times. Despite concerted efforts from crucial stakeholders over the decades, the fortune, fortitude, and opportunities for the women to break the man-imposed ceiling in the country have not ascended on expected lines is stating the obvious. Of course, all talks about gender equality, parity, unbiased treatment, equal respect, and at par behavior are still quite far away from fructifying. Yes, there is some palpable change visible on the ground on the matter, but a long way lies ahead to traverse before ushering in equivalence of acceptable magnitude.

PC: Aarav Goel

  • Of late, hitherto closed doors for women on several fronts as compared to their male counterparts have opened upbringing in much-needed cheers to the gender. However, certain idiosyncrasies usually associated with a societal mindset towards women still continue to rule the roost. The sense of entitlement experienced by men in veritable treatments vis-à-vis women is still strongly rooted. The decision-making largely rests with the male head of the family even now as attempts to change the pattern are yet to gain acceptable traction. Right from what attire to wear, to choosing a school, to forming a friendship, to selecting a companion, to deciding on marrying is mostly the domain of the male head of the family. There is no sea change on this front either.
  • As you are aware, marriage essays an extremely important stage in human life and the right to choose a life companion should ideally rest with individuals, either woman or man irrespective of caste, creed, or religion coming into the fray. Unfortunately, what is often seen in the country is contrary even if marriageable man and woman wish to tie the knot. There might arise objections from parents, community, as well as netas, you see. Especially true of love and inter-caste marriages. The trouble for the couple will not stop there as it extends beyond marriage as well. No wonder, love jihad laws and rhetoric take this to a darker place.


  • Note that some BJP governments have made religious conversion upon marriage a matter of criminal inquiry. Interestingly, when the Madhya Pradesh Ulama Board decided that any interfaith nikah will require parental consent, sending a directive to qazis across the state, the MP government has naturally welcomed it. On scrutiny, the reason behind the ulama’s decision is not hard to comprehend since it was seeking safety from harassment thereby taking away the agency of women in the bargain. Sadly, this is one amongst many such examples against women. Indeed, patriarchal establishments across communities want to deter relationships outside the rules of caste, religion, and gotra.
  • Thus, the control of marriage and mating is deemed essential to keep each community sealed and intact to further the dubious cause of upholding the intangible virtues. So-called guardians of social order, who want to safeguard what they deem as purity as well as property and lineage, cast women as docile and preyed upon by malevolent outsiders. Understand, women are humans and citizens, with wills, desires, and rights. Inarguably, the tone, tenor, letters, and spirit of the Constitution should be upheld in extending equal rights to women as well. Will the change as desired can be seen in the coming days? Hopefully, concrete action will ensue.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.