Fight to Save Hair on the Scalpel is No Less Than a Battle!

  • Ask those people who have lost their hair on the head as to how it feels confronted with an embarrassing situation when someone stares at you condescendingly and reverts knowingly whilst making eye contact? It’s an amalgamation of feelings very hard to describe but people affected by the ignominy of losing that precious bunch on the head would vouch how bitter it is to stay unaffected. Signs of premature balding occurs when most of us are in the late 20s or early 30s and the mental agony one undergoes while staring at the mirror is hard to explain. As the saying goes, only personal experience of unkindly nature undergone by the affected protagonists would be able to spell out the troubles of balding prematurely.

PC: Anthony Cozzi

  • So great an importance is accorded to beauty and beauty products by the thriving beauty care industry patronized intimately by the society that anything less than being fair and endowed with the full spectrum of the silvery shining crop on the head would be recognized as abnormal. A typical society has always laid great emphasis on the color of the skin as well as fulsome hair over the scalpel necessitating adorable entreaties. Conversely, the wheatish and dark complexion is always considered as something to be scorned upon right from the time of birth which only gains more traction and complexity as we grow up. God save all those girls who are born with dark skin and also while growing up if they develop any medical condition resulting in thinning of hair follicles. Trust me, all hell will break loose.
  • Society is never accommodating or understanding in extending equitable treatments towards premature balding men who desperately try to take recourse to any means or measures to arrest the precious hair getting lost for good. Unscrupulous elements luring with unscientific, unverified, and useless beauty products making promises galore of ensuring arresting of hair fall as well as resurrecting the barren land with lushly produced crop invariably attracts people looking for any semblance of promises. Any glimmer of hope is welcome, you see. The very mention of regaining lost glory on the crown propels the disillusioned lot to wholeheartedly embrace the promising entreaties with gusto even if it eventually turns out to be nothing but false illusions.


  • After getting enlightened by the futility of experiencing unyielding products over the considerable loss of precious resources, time, energy, and nurtured hopes, the despondency overtaking our entire being is not only devastating but also considerably draining physically as well as mentally. Acceptance of living with whatever is still left out on the summit takes a while as the last ounce of wishful thinking finally makes a permanent exit. Of course, there is any number of eternal optimists who never give up hopes of regaining lost glory by resorting to futile novel means on offer.
  • You would instantly notice those strugglers who will leave no stone unturned in presenting their balding pate with innumerable ways of bridging which makes you look no better than a clown. But persist they will by presenting a disposition of everything looking in fine fettle. Have you ever wondered why the wanted hair on the head keeps vanishing despite all-out efforts to keep it shiny and healthy as compared to unwanted hair elsewhere which flourishes even without any nourishment? Debate on the matter can be fully dissected shortly! For now, let us all stay united in extending solidarity with the balding men. They surely deserve it!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.