Going Ahead with Organizing the Olympics Might Not be Tenable!

  • Sporting enthusiasts around the universe keenly look forward to the once in a four-year marquee event Olympics with bated breath anticipating an earth-shattering display of dazzling performances from some of the most renowned athletes ever to have graced the field. The Olympics sets the benchmark for sporting excellence in the annals of sporting history commanding a huge following among the patrons. Watching exceptionally spectacular achievements is simply indescribable. Every wannabe athlete not only aspires to participate but leaves behind a permanent mark in the Olympic events that needs no further emphasis.

PC: Daisy

  • Preparations for the elitist of sporting event commences years, if not decades, in advance as superior performances on the most exalted of platforms leave indelible print worthy of emulation for generations of sportspersons. Many nations with scarce resources have spared no efforts in ensuring their deserving athletes are provided with every veritable support and assistance to compete and excel in the event. Of course, nations known to be at the forefront of sporting excellence pump in a tremendous amount of money to build international quality infrastructure as also recruit international class coaches to train athletes.
  • No wonder, decrepit and economically struggling countries known to be extremely cornered vis-à-vis dignified existence amongst the global community also nurture aspirations to send the best of their athletes to compete and bring laurels to the country. Understand, the optics of excelling in the biggest sporting arena where many of the economic superpowers also compete as equals gives a definite kick. Unimaginable glory, recognition, and acknowledgment are guaranteed if any of the unheralded nations succeed against the most fancied athletes representing richer and accomplished countries. The thrill of success on the sporting field cannot be explained in mere words. The joy-de-vivre is no less than cathartic.

PC: Jose Zandbergen

  • As we are all aware, the Olympics scheduled to be held in Tokyo, Japan last year was postponed to this year owing to the pandemic on the premise that the virus menace would have subsided, if not tamed completely, allowing the marquee event to see the day of light. You see, the virus does not care to understand humankind’s anxiety or preferences or for that matter single-minded objectives to revert to normalcy as quickly as possible to lead uninterrupted lives. The virus thrives on complacency and blatant disregard by simply ravaging us the only way it knows best i.e. by mercilessly indulging in widespread destruction.
  • With no signs of the virus getting subdued or tamed in the foreseeable future, many of the planned sporting events have been canceled even though novel measures such as creating a biosafety bubble has thrown up limited success in ensuring the safety of the participating sportspersons. However, there is no certainty that the virus will not breach the carefully constructed bio-bubble that was laid bare by the recently postponed Indian Premier League T20 tournament owing to few of the cricketers and staff reporting positive despite diligently observing prescribed precautions. Therefore, it appears inevitable that the Tokyo Olympics will have to face the ignominy of cancellation even though the event is still two months away

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.