Irresponsible Social Gatherings too Have Contributed to the Spike in Virus Cases!

  • An unprecedented uptick in the confirmed covid virus cases has worried all the stakeholders is stating the obvious. The viciousness and ominously spreading virus is foretelling the amount of pressure our healthcare infrastructure would be encountering in the next few weeks. The steep rise in the cases has also brought along accompanying shortages of beds, steady oxygen supplies, drugs, intensive care units (ICUs), ventilators, and ambulances to ferry sick patients. Many patients waiting to ferry them to designated hospitals in an ambulance is a common sight. So also is the ghastly sight of ambulances and dead waiting in a queue at crematoriums.

PC: Mark Borthwick

  • The worrying situation vis-à-vis overwhelming rise in the infection cases was restricted to few states, to begin with, and the pace with which the spread is occurring portends frighteningly challenging times ahead. The healthcare infrastructure is overwhelmed by the deluge of patients requiring immediate attention to not only extend timely medical care but also ensure they live to breathe again. Shortages of life-saving drugs, non-availability of critical supply of oxygen, and overstretched medical professionals are concerns requiring immediate address.
  • All of us are to be aware that blaming the government authorities alone for anything and everything would not cut much ice either. Yes, the lackadaisical approach and blatant disregard for the time-tested instrument of safety and health guidelines were conveniently ignored by the political leaders, to begin with. A slew of by-elections and assembly elections to few states and a Union Territory have allowed lakhs of followers to join the leaders in their campaign trails and rallies as the wearing of masks and social distancing became a casualty.


  • Leaders who were expected to set healthy practices miserably failed to set precedent throwing the guidelines to the wind. Needless to mention, the followers just followed what is on display despite health officials and experts cautioning about the lurking dangers of the virus. On their part, the general public is equally culpable in failing to assiduously adhere to the guidelines by letting down guards without realizing the subsequent hazards waiting to pounce on us. The resultant outcome is an extremely depressing scenario playing out all around.
  • Call it covid fatigue and/or pent-up frustration owing to continued restrictions in one or the other form or simply challenging economic situation making leading a dignified life and sustaining consistent livelihood a cumbersome effort, the general public tended to embrace the false narration playing out on the virus front which looked on the wane. Vaccination drive undertaken with such fanfare did provide some comfort in assuming the returning of normalcy. People cooped up in four walls tended to move around for parties, social exchanges, participating in gatherings, etc. With this, the recipe for disaster was complete.
  • Under the circumstances, diligently observing discipline in not only ensuring the safety of our near and dear ones but also society at large by willingly embracing the health protocols assumes greater importance. Understand the government authorities can only do this much and expecting them to provide a panacea for every single issue would be foolhardy. As responsible citizens, the equal onus rests on us by contributing in whatever ways and means to defeat the menace that is indulging in the dance of death. Let us join hands to subdue the enemy!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.