Escaping Quarantine Protocols Should be Avoided By Public Figures!

  • It amounts to no less than futile reassertion as to how deplorably people of all hues conspire to short shrift the public authorities from carrying out their duties and responsibilities. The entire nation is witness to the ingenious ways and means displayed by the people to subvert the authorities’ right from the time the pandemic was announced leading to successive lockdowns. Officials tasked to undertake tracking, testing, and tracking of people have had no less than a horrendous time to ensure the spread of the dreaded virus is controlled adequately. Many tales of people circumventing the protocols put in place for strict adherence are dime a dozen.

PC: Amy Kazmin

  • Nothing new to notice the general tendency amongst our countrymen leaving everything to be handled from the authorities side alone, and also expecting no hick-ups without ever realizing we, the citizens, too are not only expected to abide by the rules/regulations/protocols in vogue but also diligently join hands with the enforcing agencies to ensure smooth adherence in all matters of larger interests. There are several instances where the authorities have encountered tremendous challenges handling enforcement issues concerning tracing and tracking. Especially, ensuring adherence to strict quarantine protocols has been one such big challenge.
  • As the confirmed infection cases are witnessing a gradual reduction over the last couple of months, news reports emerging of the new Britain variant of the virus has again raised understandable concerns across the country reminding us how fragile the healthcare ecosystem is at present in fighting to conquer the menace. As the mutated virus is touted to be 70% more transmissible as compared to the previous variant, the country will have to be extremely vigilant in ensuring we do not let the guard down allowing another spike which would be ruinous for the economic sustenance. Skipping protocols is a strict no-no whosoever they may be.


  • Reports emerging of a Bollywood superstar’s brothers and nephew arriving in Mumbai from UAE attempting to escape mandatory 14-day quarantine having committed to undergo the same at a five-star hotel but actually strolled into their home, and subsequently canceled the hotel bookings is a case in point of how irresponsible public personalities can be. Credit to BMC for managing to put them back in the hotel for the remainder of 14 days. Come to think of it how precious time would have been wasted in contacting and tracing the breach noticed to act promptly. Imagine how many such willful defaulters would have breached the protocols.
  • Famous film personalities command a huge following and hence, are expected to set an admirable example in observing the Government mandated standards as also urging their fans to respect by diligently participating in observance. Public figures have the traction, heft, and impact to set a precedent that should be in line with the guidelines supporting the endeavors of authorities. However, save for very few personalities, there is not much forthcoming from the Bollywood industry amplifying suboptimal efforts on that front. They can contribute more for sure even now.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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