What Unfolded in the US Capitol is Shocking and Unexpected!

  • If the year 2020 was all about the pandemic hogging the limelight across the universe, there was one more quite a fascinating matter that kept the entire global community interested, intrigued, and with anticipation as to how the world’s largest democracy would go about electing the President. Yes, I am referring to the Presidential elections to the United States of America equally building up the suspense as well as expectations since the incumbent President has been anything but maverick in all his dealings, dispositions, and actions as witnessed through his tenure. Ever since the elections declared the incumbent as comprehensively outed, there were great rumblings about the possible roadblock to smooth transition to the duly elected candidates.

PC: Nandita Khemka

  • President Donald Trump’s by now familiar lies about the entire electoral process as one big fraudulent exercise denying him rightful reelection and claims about winning the elections by millions of voters did not cut ice with anybody but himself. Despite overwhelming rulings, pieces of evidence, and assertions from all quarters, including the Supreme Court, Trump’s bellicose utterances consistently advocating a reversal of the popular process through illegally dubious means not only sounded hollower by the day but also invited ridicule from across the world reducing the once acclaimed administration standards set by the USA as shambolic, farcical reminding those belligerent despots of yore.
  • And the entire world was witness to what followed in the US Capitol, the seat of power, as Congress was meeting to ceremonially certify the Electoral College votes and confirm Joe Biden as the next US President. Shocking scenes of pro-Trump rioters storming the hallowed portals of the world’s most powerful democracy, scaling/running amok over the halls, and indulging in destroying the government property were hard to believe. Rampaging radical right-wing rioters, instigated by Trump through false claims of victory and alleged electoral malpractices denying him a chance to get reelected, did throw the Capitol into utter chaos reminiscent of a coup bid.

PC: thefederal

  • That Uncle Sam has been the high-decibel preacher for upholding the democratic credentials by sitting on the pedestal of moral upholstery and passing patronizing sermons to the entire world since long about the impeccable institutional conduct setting it apart from the rest deserves no further elaboration. With the unbelievable scenes unfolding, naturally, it has caused shock among world capitals, especially handing over an unexpected propaganda coup to the Chinese Communist Party whose authoritarian rule always eliciting disdainful retort from the USA. Chinese President Xi Jinping would be gleeful. Prime Minister Narendra Modi quickly condemned the violence stating that “democratic process cannot be subverted through unlawful protests”.
  • Most hearteningly, saner voices in the Republican Party including Vice-President Mike Pence have condemned the subversion of the democratic process as also officials across US systems reasserting the strength of America’s democratic institutions and convictions. Nonetheless, the subversive intentions almost went down to the wire. The last read, the Congress has duly certified the elections of Joe Biden. Consequently, Trump has conceded defeat acknowledging he will peacefully leave office by ensuring smooth handover as talks of invoking the 25th amendment to impeach him gains ground. What a spectacle it has been? Amusing and entertaining, of course.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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