The Road to Success is Always Under Construction

  • With the introduction of WhatsApp and the huge popularity the medium enjoys having assumed ubiquitous presence in our day-to-day lives touching every aspect knowingly or unknowingly, people by now are quite accustomed to receiving every bit of information whether useful or otherwise with nonchalance. From known to unknown sources to entirely strangers popping on our cellphone screens with a deluge of information in the form of forwards, messages, videos, and other formats have indeed become unavoidable.

PC: Thomas Middel

  • At times, we all have wondered why at all those innumerable forwards are even thought about as worthwhile to bombard us intending to reach all those unsuspecting individual(s), who for all that efforts might not bother to pursue at all. There are occasions when an entirely useful bit of information might get lost in the melee amidst largely inane, petty, fake, unverified, and lacking substance nor conviction messages/forwards. One would surprisingly find gems popping out now and then carrying profound meanings for a change. Such messages indeed compels one to introspect, sometimes profoundly.
  • Especially those messages relatable to facts-of-life, slice-of-life, traditional, banter-filled anecdotes, achievers, celebrities, famous personalities, positive thinking notes, self-help, humorous exchanges, cultural, and related to health/fitness does succeed in instantly evoking approvals as also triggering fond reminisces of yore. One may find these gems in some Good Morning messages as well for sure. Adds credence to the belief that every information received might not be required to be deleted without glancing at the content.

PC: apnlive

  • One such forward received recently did carry the subject caption which not only carries tremendously valuable inherent meaning laying out what one should endeavor to build the right ammunition to succeed in life, but also unveils irrefutable facts of life where nothing is made available on a platter unless one is prepared to expend blood and sweat in great measure. Reading the statement, the road to success is always under construction sets one to deeply contemplate how the natural laws of the universe never alter despite epochal developments around us.
  • Indeed, humankind has realized the truth by cracking this unwritten code that can never be broken, altered, or replaced. Howsoever big and successful an individual might be, he/she will reap fruits from all those triumphs only after laying a strong foundation solely based on attitude, positivity, determination, passion, focus, discipline, consistency, perseverance, cultivating habit to learn from mistakes, and treating every setback encountered on the way as a learning curve. No substitution for hard work, you see.

PC: kieferpix

  • Once the foundation so laid is sound and stable, the efforts at constructing what one wishes or aims to will assume relatively easier dimensions simply because the basics are already addressed adequately. What has been sowed shall be reaped subsequently. Holds for every single aspect associated with the charms of life unfolding in front of us. Yes, the success story never ceases unless complacency seeping in would put paid to growth prospects in no time. Perpetual construction is the only way to ensure continued success.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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