Reopening of Schools and Colleges is Still Unclear!

  • Successive unlock guidelines have allowed recommencing of most activities hitherto closed as part of lockdown. With the green signal for cinema theaters to commence screening after October 15, the entertainment industry would also kick-start stalled activities after a long hiatus. Though the latest guidelines issued allow schools and colleges to restart functioning the much-delayed academic session, the Ministry of Education has cautiously made provisions for the respective States/UTs to start keeping in mind the local situation with regards to infection rates.

PC: Aly Archer

  • As most of us who keep track of the infection panning out in mysterious ways would readily vouch, the phenomenon exhibited by the deadly virus is excruciatingly enigmatic to comprehend to say with conviction or arrive at some accurate prediction mentioning where it is headed vis-à-vis plateauing/flattening in the next few weeks. The curve made available so far and the accompanying predictions are guesswork at best since the behavior pattern of the virus spread is highly unpredictable at best of times. Accuracy of prediction still eludes the experts.
  • A curious phenomenon is at play looking at the way infection cases are reported which keeps varying directly proportional to the number of testing carried out. However, there is a sliver of hope what with the Union Finance Ministry stating that the country may have hit the peak going by the infection rates reported for the past two weeks in September. Economic indicators of some sectors are also most encouraging pointing to returning of pre-pandemic days. As such, the only industry still unclear as to when to recommence full tilt is education.


  • Trust me, it is easier said than done for the authorities concerned to throw open the doors of learning on similar lines to that of every other sector/industry. The sensitivities involved in the education field with millions of young lives at stake would compel unambiguous and clear-minded roadmap on the part of the authorities by involving the most significant stakeholders on the matter i.e. the students and their parents. The Education Ministry guidelines also advise the State governments to allow respective school managements to form SOPs to start academics.
  • This is where the situation becomes indistinct when the infection rates continue to surge in a State like Karnataka with a possible peak projected in November/December. Though the State Education Ministry may allow reopening of schools in the coming weeks conveniently leaving on the nitty-gritties to the school managements, would the parents be prepared to agree to send their wards by consenting in writing as per the guidelines is a million-dollar question? The majority sentiment is to wait for some more time instead of jumping the gun right now.

PC: Techno

  • Therefore, it is imperative to exercise extreme caution in allowing the schools to commence academics and encourage adopting a blended approach by seeking higher grade students to visit for classroom learning. As such, grades 9 to 12 could be allowed in to begin with and extend the same to Grade 7 and 8 after a fortnight or so. Or functional independence be accorded to School management to proceed ahead by coopting parents in deciding to commence academics as deemed fit but within the described parameters. Schools must start though by November for higher grades.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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