Why Raise Hue and Cry About Nepotism! It is Ubiquitous and Not to be Scorned at All!

  • Animated discussions for and against are guaranteed whenever the word nepotism is broached. Boardroom meetings, casual chattering, passionate debates, and of course, knowledgeable dissections are quite common whilst exchanging varied views on the most happening of the topic that is always expected to merit animated conversations. Mostly identified with the entertainment industry by being in the limelight owing to its glamour and razzmatazz nonetheless existing everywhere.

PC: srushtivfx

  • Apart from the usual suspects in the entertainment world receiving incessant brickbats, trust me, there are equally fascinating and as varied sectors that are more brazenly not averse to encouraging nepotism but hardly get noticed or as viciously dismembered as the glamour industry. Mind you, media coverage will naturally be extensive and in-depth wherever the alluring quotient of glamour exists grabbing instant and obliging attention of the people keen to know as many aspects of celebrity lives.
  • God forbid if any of the entertainment industry celebrity is wronged or treated badly or sacked unceremoniously from a particular project or a magnum opus, all hell will break loose with the Media entourage going to the town bragging about the pitfalls of nepotism snaring down or propping up an aspirant, as the case may be. Honestly, there is no way one can stave off this challenge or brusquely brush aside the practice that is not only ubiquitous but widely upheld in virtually every field.

PC: redlandsdailyfacts

  • Extending helping hand or favoring own progeny/kith & kin/near & dear or for that matter, someone who has the blessings from those who pull the strings should not cause any heartburns. Nepotism or favoritism per se cannot be treated as abominable practice or social vice or depriving level playing field for deserving, if applied to a certain category of people. Come to think of it, every professional worth his/her salt would want to encourage from within the family to pursue a similar field.
  • Nothing wrong at all, I say. People raising voices against the practice should realize that nepotism or favoritism might provide an opportunity or platform for the wannabes or to those who wish to follow suit. However, there is no way to assure the overnight success or subsequent thriving in any chosen endeavor subsequently or later years since nothing is sustainable forever in the absence of real talent, merit, hard work, efforts, perseverance, passion, and constant learnings/improvements.

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  • Such virtues are equally applicable to anybody and everybody who wishes to carve out a niche in the vast available choices. None can succeed merely riding on the back of readymade support or push, if someone does not possess the prerequisite fire in the belly. Verify this fact from any successful individual who would narrate a captivating but equally enthralling story about running an extra mile and stretching every sinew to be recognized. As the saying goes, there is no free lunch in life. It must be earned with sweat, blood, and tears. Stop crying foul about nepotism!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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