History Decoded! 7 Underwater Cities Of The World That Were Once Lost!


Whether it be India or the US or the UK, each of these countries have got at least one underwater city that was lost in the history. These ancient underwater cities of the world are like precious jewels when it comes to archaeological perspective. These underwater cities are eerily compelling and have got some uniqueness in them to look upon. Here is a list of 7 such underwater cities of the world that were lost at a point of time:

Lost underwater cities of the world!

Underwater cities1. Gulf of Cambay, India!

The Gulf of Cambay in India is one of the recently discovered underwater cities. It was discovered accidentally by the water pollution testing organization during their research. It has catched the limelight to be one of the oldest city on this globe, even older than the Mesopotamian and Harappan cities!


Underwater cities2. Doggerland, North Sea!

Around 20,000 years ago, Doggerland in North Sea used to be a continuous huge mass of land, connecting the UK with Europe. It was majorly occupied by the hunters and fishermen before it got swallowed by the rising level of the Sea.


Underwater cities3. Canudos, Brazil!

During the 1970’s, Canudos was flooded, and what’s more interesting about this place is the fact that a dam was built here so as to deal with drought! Indeed, this underwater city has got quite a weird history.



Underwater cities4. Shicheng, China!

This 1,300 years old city is still well preserved 40 meters deep beneath the sea. The best part about this city is the fact that all its walls, statues, and even gates are wonderfully preserved under the water.


Underwater cities5. Baiae, Italy!

This Roman underwater lost city is believed to be sitting on a number of volcanic vents. Before submerging in water, this city used to be the hub of the rich and fabulous people.


Underwater cities6. Willow Grove, USA!

Sitting in the crystal clear lake of the USA, Willow Grove is one of the magnificent and well preserved underwater cities. This picturesque place once used to have each and everything including church, schools and even grocery stores.


Underwater cities7. Tyno Helig, UK!

Tyno Helig is that underwater city of the world that has its own unique love story of the past. The story depicts a common man who cheated and lied for marrying a girl, and that’s the reason he was being cursed by the spirit, and that’s how his castle got submerged! Some people still sees the top of his castle peeking out of the water!

Even one can see the remains of the Atlit-Yam city in Israel. This beautiful city was submerged in water due to the sudden Tsunami that came somewhere 7,500-8,000 years ago.

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