Crazy Or Sensible? Girls Schools In Haryana Hire Male Teachers Only Over Age 50!


The education committee of Haryana has now come up with an absolutely bizarre and crazy idea to address to one of the most critical social issues- Women Safety. This issue has been plaguing the state with great speed. And with this inexplicable move they expect to control the sexual assault happening with the younger school going girls to a great extent. Well this move definitely is sounding crazy, but post implementation we would come to know how sensible it really is.   

Haryana And Their Funny Lot Of Laws

This isn’t the first time that Haryana came up with something crazy, recently they have been coming up with whole new lot of laws.


The Cow Helpline

Yes! You got me right – A Helpline for protecting cows. This was one of the most recent moves by them, where a cow helpline was set up in the state to protect the cows.



Haryana Ranks Highest In The Number Of Sexual Crimes Against Women & Girls

Yes, women safety has become a matter of concern in the state of Haryana. It now ranks on top when it comes to sexual crimes against girls and women. The masses of this state have been very disappointed by the archaic laws of the Khap panchayat. Multiple attempts have been made to reduce this crime but all seem to fail. Instead it has been noticed that the crime rate is going on increasing that too rapidly.


Male Teachers Above 50 Years: Crazy Or Sensible?

The education committee of Haryana have decided to have male teachers of 50 and above in the public and government girl’s schools in Haryana. They shall not hire any male teachers under 50 years. The selection of male candidates in government schools will be done strictly on the basis of their age. In case any teacher below the age of 50 wants to apply for a transfer, they are advised not to apply in any girl’s schools, this is because their application will not be considered. This new policy is applicable to both government and private schools in the state.


Look what the Haryana’s education minister Ram Bilas Sharma has to say about it-

“Any teacher who has not completed 50 years as on June 30, should not opt for girls’ school. Even if any teacher opts for it, he would not be considered for transfer.”

Neelam Bhandari, the district education officer further added –

“This policy has been in effect for a very long time. The recent policy change has only highlighted it and brought it to the forefront of the public eye. The vision of this policy was to improve the distribution of teachers across the state. This measure was taken to protect the interests of the students.”

Teachers Against This Crazy Move

Teachers from both the private and public schools are totally against this crazy move. According to many this move will spread a totally wrong impression on the young girls. It will encourage the women not to trust men at all. They feel age doesn’t play a role in the criminal’s life, the criminal will do evil irrespective of its age. So age doesn’t play any part in the rising crime, who can guarantee that at the age of 50 men wrong intention towards the girl changes? This isn’t any sensible way to assure a safe atmosphere to the young girls.


Old Age = Outdated Ideas

All over the country schools are hiring young and fresh talent as the Indian education system is on the verge of change. Like all other corporates even schools believe that new staff can preach newer and better ideas to the students. On the verge of changing, hiring old age employees will increase the gap between teachers and students. Teachers of this age bracket might not have the updated teaching ideas, old way of teaching

According to Roopa Sinha, a teacher in a Gurgaon based private school-

While this rule may be founded on noble intentions, I think in practice this would prove to be problematic. By limiting students to contact with only teachers above a certain age, you may be depriving them of the enthusiasm and fresh outlook present in the younger generation of educators that are now enveloping the country. Teachers beyond a certain age may lack that zest, and may be outdated in their approach. I think this is a short-sighted move on the part of the government.”

According to Dhirendra Bajaj, another Gurgaon based private school teacher –

“I think this rule is quite absurd if you consider the pillars it’s founded on. It implies that all younger male teachers lack that basic moral foundation that makes them dangerous and severely unfit for this position. It also posits that all older teachers have attained a moral capacity that makes them immune to such vile inclinations.”

This idea does sound crazy; do you think the Haryana education committee can protect the younger school going girls from sexual assault with this move? If yes, then up to what extent?

Image Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Featured Image.


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