• The debilitating effects of the environmental degradation afflicting humanity across the universe are quite palpable. The unchecked usage of carbon emissions over the decades on the back of humongous industrial/manufacturing/developmental revolutions has brought with it a set of man-made challenges that is being felt by each one of us in more than one way. The fossil fuel burning is the primary cause of the environmental degradation, leading to a cascading effect in the form of unseasonal rains, snow, drought, famine, storms, cloudbursts, and some such weather vagaries rendering humanity at the mercy of elements. These unpredictable occurrences have caused tremendous havoc on economies around the world is stating the obvious.

What Trump has done for, and to, the environment in his first 100 days

PC: Yahoo

  • Of course, several measures initiated by the environmentalists backed by the United Nations have resulted in largely checking the degradation. Unfortunately, these measures are not enough to stop weather vagaries from creating havoc around the world. With the maverick Donald Trump assuming the office of the President of the United States of America, the efforts to address this ticking bomb will be relegated to the backburner. Trump’s condescension on matters related to environmental degradation is well known. And his clarion call to dig more fossil oils soon after assuming the office speaks volumes about which way the wind will be blowing from now on. India on the other hand has been contributing substantially to address the matter.

Environmental Degradation & The Crisis of Modernity - Aura | Monthly e Magazine

PC: Aura | Monthly e Magazine

  • The Indian policymakers have been aggressively pushing ahead with the clean and alternative energy initiatives with the incumbent Union Government led by the Prime Minister himself taking up the matter with intent. Little wonder, more and more automobile entities and the public are using electric vehicles, thereby contributing in their own ways to mitigate the environmental challenges. The erratic and irregular weather patterns have become a norm rather than an exception in the last few years. The winter season is getting reduced with cold waves across India showing presence sporadically rather than for an extended period as it used to be. Northern /Western regions have hardly had a typically worthwhile winter this year. Worrying signs, indeed.

India braces for heatwave amid soaring temperatures. What could it mean for Europe's food supplies? | Euronews

PC: Euronews

Even down South, the nip in the air was hardly felt for a few days, forget about a sustained period. People calling Bengaluru home must be wondering whatever happened to the once salubrious, tranquil, pleasant, and welcoming nippy winter days that used to be eagerly awaited months in advance. The dry weather combined with heat was felt even during February when the weather earlier showed nippiness. Late February onwards, the temperatures have headed northwards, and March almost feels like May/June now. These are worrying signs and portend potential challenges for humankind vis-à-vis erratic weather patterns assuming significant importance. Will the authorities and people pull their weight to stop degradation? The time alone will reveal.