The Ensuing Lok Sabha Polls Lack Zing!

Lok Sabha
  • As quintessential Indians, many of us are used to the huge paraphernalia associated with the mother of all elections – the Parliamentary polls – where every political party worth its salt would leave no stone unturned in impressing upon the electorate to bless them at the hustings. The preparations for the biggest of all the elections commence many months in advance since the whole exercise of undertaking a fair and peaceful election is no mean task. Of course, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has performed admirably over the years in not only ensuring every poll is conducted fairly and peacefully but also strictly adhering to various rules and regulations formed without any bias or prejudice. No wonder, the ECI is renowned around the world for the same.


PC: Mint

  • We know that the Indian political landscape is adorned with national parties and several regional parties at the state level. Of course, the political narrative that we have come around to accept as ordinary citizens is largely based on secular versus communal viewpoints. Further, we also have certain ideologies/philosophies that are largely based on the labyrinthine caste equations making it extremely complex to comprehend. But that’s the beauty of the Indian democracy where unity in diversity is the mantra that continues to hold sway even now. Yes, the ruling dispensation at the Centre is the Hindutva proponents Bharatiya Janata Party whose no-holds-barred embracing of the ideology means the society is polarized between the majority and the minority communities.
  • The principal opposition party is the Congress whose claims to secularism are well documented. Thrown around these two principal national parties are several regional outfits that have established prominence on the back of caste considerations. Ideally speaking, the only narrative bandied about by the political class should have been on development and growth. However, what is on display is below-the-belt name-calling, mudslinging, personal diatribes, unsubstantiated claims and counterclaims, jingoism, and cringe-worthy acerbic remarks that simply fail to cut ice with the discerning public. Make no mistake, despite the BJP wishing us to believe that everything is hunky-dory with the nation’s economy, the unemployment and rural distress scenario is real.


PC: The Economic Times

  • Unfortunately, the opposition INDIA bloc has failed to capitalize on this glaring anomaly by failing to present an unequivocal narration to impress upon the electorate where the inflationary trends alongside lack of employment opportunities and rural distress are singeing ordinary citizens. It is quite exasperating to see how the opposition bloc is coming out with unsustainable guarantee schemes and inducements to lure the voters. Unlike the BJP-led NDA, rather than being pragmatic, realistic, and with a clear-headed roadmap to move ahead in the global pecking order vis-à-vis economic heft and traction, what we see from the opposition bloc is disappointing. Don’t be surprised if the cynical electorate does not come out in large numbers to vote.