Roger Federer’s Penchant to Stay Competitive is Inspirational!

  • Every true die-hard fan of the Tennis superstar Roger Federer would be delighted to see the talismanic Fedex making a return to the court after a very long gap. He was side-lined courtesy of two knee surgeries and recuperation, rehabilitation, and finally prepping up to be match-ready ensured the Swiss stalwart hits the court eventually much to the delight of millions of fans. Federer’s popularity amongst the Tennis crazy fans is legendary as is his pull amongst the spectators in any of the courts where the gentle giant seamlessly assumes the role of the crowd favourite more often than not.

PC: Adam Pretty

  • Call it sentimentality, grace, simply the gentlemanly demeanour on and off the court, or effortlessly easy on the eye exploits on the court that always makes Federer the eternal favourite amongst the rooting crowds. Such is his pull, dynamism, and supreme agility to execute his brand of silken play over the years that even those not too familiar with the nuances of the sport will not mind rooting for the athlete. There is no better sight than witnessing the master at play when on full song fluently decimating the opponents without breaking into a sweat. We are fortunate to have witnessed so many contests which turned the man into an ultimate legend.
  • Tennis aficionados, officials, sponsors, and the ilk would spend millions of dollars to ensure the megastar continues to ply his trade eternally but as is the case with any sporting folklores, a certain curtain will be drawn on the glittering professional career one day. Till such time, it is our pleasure to keep watching the celebrity sportsman perform as best as he can igniting those unbelievable sparks along the way. Remember, Roger Federer is not getting any younger and is on the wrong side of touching 40 years in the coming days. Remember, any professional sportspersons continuing to perform above the age of 35 years is commendable.

PC: Tennisaficiomag

  • The amount of sacrifices, delayed gratifications, physical fitness challenges, mental agonies, and tremendous pressure to perform at peak on the circuit round the year is no mean task squeezing out every ounce of energy, resilience, and forbearance to stay competitive as well as relevant. As such, it is fascinating to observe what is that still drives the owner of twenty Grand Slams Winner to even consider having a shot at one of the premier Grand Slam events? I guess, it is inherently built-in all those champion sportspersons to perpetually seek excellence and add some more of those glittering trophies to their already overflowing cupboards.
  • It is not only truly amazing to witness a miraculous metamorphosis of an extraordinarily gifted sportsman continuing to strive to remain at the top of his game but also defying all notions of ageing athletes unable to compete at their best by consistently giving younger counterparts a real run for their money. Yes, I am absolutely in awe of the gentleman who has inspired millions over more than a decade by setting mesmerizing standards of chivalry. Also, as a Tennis buff, I would wish to savour whatever Federer will offer on the Tennis court till the time he finally calls it a day. Go on Roger, you are the Greatest of All Time (GOAT)!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.