Visit These 7 Magnificent Churches In India


You don’t have to be a catholic or christan to visit a church. I always find churches fascinating and most importantly, serene. Most of the churches in India are build in historical times; and hence they carry a mystical atmosphere around them. Here is a list of 7 most magnificent churches in India. You must visit them if you happen to visit these particular cities or towns.

Churches in India1. Aloysius Chapel, Mangalore: If you happen to be in Mangalore, then don’t miss this really amazing church. It is one of the churches in India that is famous for its stunning paintings. The church was built in 1885, and its overall architecture matches that of the world’s most renowned Sistine Chapel in Rome. You will witness some brilliant paintings on the ceiling, along with oil canvas paintings and fresco paintings. These paintings depict various events from the Bible.


Churches in India2. Anne Church, Talaulim, Goa: Goa is the heaven of churches. You will certainly find most astonishing churches in India in Goa alone. This particular church is famous for its excellent architecture. Its architecture is a combination of Indian architecture and Western propensities. Some people call it the masterpiece of the Indian Baroque style. This church is certainly brilliant in architecture; but is becoming fragile day-by-day. In fact, this church was included in the ‘List of 100 Most Endangered Sites’ by the New York based WMF.


Churches in India3. The Se Cathedral Church, Goa: Another attraction in the state of beaches. This church is yet another entry in the magnificent churches in India. It is built in Portuguese-Manueline architecture style. The interior of the church is Corinthian; while the exterior is Tuscan. Another notable thing about this church is that it is one of the largest churches in Asia.



Churches in India4. Medak Cathedral, Telangana: Did you think the biggest and the most beautiful churches are seen only in western countries? Your perception will certainly change when you see the Medak Cathedral located in Telangana. It is one of the churches in India that is the largest diocese in Asia and second in the world after the Vatican. This 200 ft (61 m) long and 100 ft (30 m) wide cathedral is built in Gothic Revival style. The roof of this church is made sound-proof by using of hollow sponge material. The bell-tower of this church is 175 ft (53 m) high.


Churches in India5. Moravian Church, Leh: Churches are found in all parts of India, including the Himalayan ranges. The Moravian Church in Leh is the highest church in India, situated at the height of more than 11000 feet.





Churches in India6. Christ Church, Shimla: Another church in hilly regions. This is one of the beautiful churches in India that is built in Neo-Gothic architectural style. This is also the second oldest church in North India. The Christ Church has become the most prominent landmarks of Shimla as it is positioned on the ridge and hence visible from almost every part of Shimla. It is a well maintained church and it endures the legacy of the British Raj. The specialty of the church is that the prayers are conducted in both, Hindi and English.

Churches in India7. George’s Syro – Malabar Catholic Forane Church, Kochi: This is one of the oldest churches in India. Besides, it is also the oldest Roman catholic churches in Kerala. Not only Christians; also the non-Christians love to visit this beautiful church. The church was built in 594 AD an has a small structure back then. As he number of visitors increased, a bigger church was built in 1080 next to the old one.


So make sure that you visit these beautiful churches when you visit these places next time.

Image source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Featured Image


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