Can You Believe the POTUS Paid $750 as Tax!

  • Reports emerging in the newspapers suggest that the incumbent President of the United States paid hardly believable $750 as tax amount in the year 2017, the year he assumed the Office, as well as the previous year. Most astonishingly, the President paid no federal income taxes in eleven of the eighteen years he was examined leaving the entire fraternity interested in the world affairs deeply flummoxed. Come to think of it, the POTUS is the first billionaire who assumed the highest office, and knowing he paid so little tax is quite unfathomable, to say the least.

PC:  Peter Baker and 

  • The revelations have certainly piqued the interests of the discerning international observers, and coming closer to the Presidential elections slated in November, will further add spice to the already muddied pitched battle underway between the two warring veterans and their respective parties. Undoubtedly, the tax evasion issue would be pitchforked as one of the key electoral battle issues worthy of threadbare dissection to impress upon the electorate. Expect more name-calling and no-holds-barred insinuations leading up to the D-Day.
  • Of course, the gaffe-prone gentleman has already decried the revelations as what else but ‘fake news’ in his inimitable style further endearing to his loyal followers who would be boasting how smartly the Man has evaded paying taxes by exploiting the palpable loopholes in the tax code. Trust me, many fellow billionaires in that exalted list would be itching to pick brains of the Man himself to not only understand how to dodge from paying taxes through the nose under normal circumstances but also lay claim to being labelled as street-smart at par with the POTUS, no less.


  • Gives credence to the often-mentioned cribbing by most of the honest tax paying citizens across the world that any levy sought by the authorities concerned is nothing but stealing hard-earned moolah. Show me one willing and diligent taxpayer who would not have dreamt about evading paying taxes without ever inviting the prying eyes of the authorities or for that matter exploring every legal way and means to dodge from paying to the exchequer those hard-earned money/profits. Mark my words, every one of us would wish to tread that path uninhibitedly.
  • Make no mistake, there are any number of deshi netas as well as others amidst us who would not mind taking a leaf out of the modus operandi adopted by the POTUS to evade paying income tax. Not that many of them honestly honour the statutory requirement anyway, nonetheless, would be delighted to comprehend and implement a trick or two from the leader in dubious money dodging mechanism. Scores of ordinary honest tax payees from all walks of life would be left wondering about the system pondering why they pay tax at all when billionaires pay measly tax. No ready answers will be forthcoming for sure.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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