After Jab, Stay Away from Liquor for 45 Days! Say, Experts!

  • The entire nation was witness to the struggles of tipplers when the lockdown was abruptly introduced in March 2020 leaving the not so smart in the lurch. Enlightened and great anticipators of doomsday scenario proved to be smarter than an ordinary lot for having vision and thoughtfulness in stocking their favorite poison for dry days ahead. As nobody knew how the situation will pan out in the coming days, hardcore liquor addicts able to adequately stock emerged as the victors in the eyes of the consuming fraternity. Since lending out precious liquids was out of the question for fear of running out of stock, rationing the same turned out to be par for the course measure.

PC: timesofindia

  • Those tipplers at the mercy of having no option but to wait out for the unlock guidelines to kick-in to resume selling were so desperate to lay hands on the heavenly intoxicating products that it was not surprising to read reports emerging of suicides committed/attempted by those failing to own. People in the know would recollect reports of many liquor outlets getting ransacked to steal the bubbly even risking lives as well as being caught by the law enforcing agency for indulging in anti-social conduct. As can be recollected, dime a dozen cases were reported across the country, no less.
  • No sooner the liquor outlets could resume selling, bemusing and entertaining pictures/videos were beamed by the electronics media about the mad frenzy, rush, delirium, and sheer relief writ large on the faces of bubbly lovers thronging in droves to pick-up their favorites as if there is no tomorrow. Those adoring scenes beamed on a loop will remain ever etched in our memories for the sheer amusement it brought out is stating the obvious. It did not matter even when the authorities, sensing an opportunity to rake in additional revenue, raised excise duty which of course failed to deter the beseeching patrons from indulging in the costly habit.

PC: Sridhar Vivan

  • As the country reverts to normalcy on the back of encouraging signs vis-à-vis dwindling rates of confirmed infection cases across the country, the sale of liquor is brisk and steady satiating the needs of the indulgers with a continuous supply. With the vaccination drive underway after waiting for the elixir of life for months on, comes the news which is bound to put-off the alcohol consumers albeit for a different reason. Yes, the Doctors and Experts believe that it is better to stay away for 45 days from consuming heady stuff after receiving the vaccine to ensure the immune response is not hindered.
  • Now, this advice has dampened the spirits of the staunch tipplers as scores of them are in a dilemma as to what should be prioritized. To save lives now by getting inoculated and desisting for a minimum of 45 days of alcohol abstention or simply ignore the advice by continuing to indulge in consumption with the belief that vaccine inoculated into the body would remain robust to fight the dreaded virus from wreaking havoc. An extremely difficult choice to make, you see! What is yours, by the way?

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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